
Eight Benefits of Walking

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INILAH.COM, Los Angeles - Many people think that walking can burn calories and your body can lose weight. In fact, there are many other benefits of walking.

"Walking is very good for anyone, and have many health benefits for women," said a health consultant from San Diego, Michelle Look.

Here are eight reasons for you to start walking.

Good for the heart

In a study conducted by Duke University Medical Center recently found that walking 30 minutes a day can reduce the metabolic syndrome, which is one cause of the high risk of heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. As many as 24 million women in the U.S. suffer from metabolic syndrome.
Meanwhile, in a British study said that by walking for half an hour a day can reduce the dangers of heart disease by 11%, especially for women.

Reducing the risk of breast cancer

The study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association said that walking a few hours a week can reduce the hazard risk of breast cancer. When on foot, fat in women is reduced and produce estrogen.
In this study concluded that 74 thousand post-menopausal women experience between the ages of 50-79 years with normal body weight, turned out to have a reduced risk of breast cancer by 30%, and approximately 10-20% for women who are overweight.

Make sleep more soundly

National Sleep Foundation said that walking quickly in the afternoon will make sleep more soundly. Experts say that walking will increase the hormone serotonin which will make you feel more comfortable. However, avoid walking two hours before bedtime.

Reducing pain

By walking regularly will make your body feel comfortable because of the movement that occurs in the body, including the movement of hands and legs.
"The walk will reduce the risk of injury or cramping and make your body feel better," said a health instructor, Alice Peters Diffely.

Making happy

Research conducted by the University of Texas concluded that walking for 30 minutes a day can reduce depression and stress.
Even the Temple University study says a 90-minute walk five times a week can make you feel happier, because the human body produces endorphins, a kind of hormone that makes people happy.


Walk for 30 minutes / day to lose weight. Even in a study at Brown University and the University of Pittsburgh says that women who walk an hour for five days in a week and consumes 1,500 calories per day, can reduce weight as much as 11.3 kilograms a year.


Several studies have been conducted suggest more frequent in the elderly to walk away because it can reduce the exposure risk of Alzheimer's disease. Walking also makes the brain active.

Reduce bone loss

Walk for 30 minutes three times a week can prevent and reduce bone loss. Walking with 95% of the body muscles make bones stronger to hold the weight..

Translated from by google translate.
