
4 Purposes of Health for the New Year

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fotoIt is January and we know what that means: New Year's Resolutions. However, these objectives we all do for our mistakes and failures of the previous year, are met in case during the first week after we have made.

Observe yourself: write down your goals and see how long the meet, from the definition of "purpose" as a resolution or determination to do something in particular.

So here we are going to propose something, instead of "New Year's resolutions" that may be very difficult to meet, try to perform small changes that will gradually making a difference to what you want to accomplish.

Let's take for example that one of its purposes is to start exercising, so a small step this week, taking a walk 10 minutes, the next week increase your walk to 20 minutes and within a month I will be trotting over 20 or 30 minutes. Changing our lifestyles or habits is difficult, therefore, it is best to make small but lasting healthy changes to break old habits.

If you have not made your New Year's resolutions again, I want to suggest some that can adopt as their own, and include emotional, mental, physical and spiritual together will help us get more health and fitness throughout this year 2013 .

1. Eat whole foods.
These foods will provide the body with all the nutrients it needs. Golden Rule, "if it is natural, eat, if not, is out." Our body was designed to eat natural food food not manmade. The natural foods are fruits, vegetables, herbs, nuts, seeds, legumes such as beans and lentils, whole grains, and healthy fats. The man-made foods are those that contain hard to pronounce ingredients, additives, dyes, artificial flavors, sweeteners, refined sugar, corn syrup, etc.. etc. An example: Yellow cheese for nachos, chicken nuggets, cola, cheats, doritos, etc.

And for the record that we are not saying never eat a processed food, but an important step will be to read the ingredients before consumption of container, and remember that the components of a natural food is going to nourish you and your body. Next Step: replace food manmade for natural food.

2. Think Positively
This is self-explanatory, but if you're always thinking negatively about things, it is not surprising that it is you people who see the glass "half empty". How is your glass? ? Half full or half empty? Try to change your perception of things and people and see just how good it can bring. No matter if you like what you see or hear, try to find the positives, things always have two sides, one bad and the other kind. When we think positively we benefit ourselves, life expectancy increases, decreases depression, decreases stress, are more resistant to colds. It also contributes to physical and psychological. Reduces the risk of death from cardiovascular disease.

3. Find time to exercise
The benefits of doing a bit of exercise outweigh the excuses like "I have no desire," although it is sometimes necessary to make an effort to get you started. Once we start, we realize that makes us feel so good, we do not want to stop. This purpose is common to most people, let's take it out.

Sobran ways to fulfill it, buy an exercise video, take a walk with your kids, go to a park to run jump or enjoy the playground. Physical activity prevents weight gain, improves health, helps you sleep better, reduces depression, increases energy and makes us feel better. Take 15 minutes a day to exercise at home.

4. Follow a Routine
All times of the day have a purpose, whether preparing food, washing dishes, write a note or come to the table. If we do our daily routine, we will be losing minutes unrecoverable. If you ever found saying "I was on and did nothing", you know what I mean. Sometimes we will time playing with the children, we sometimes consume hours be on "facebook" or online, so it is important to set ourselves time to do things.
