
8 Tips to start running (and not die trying)

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Título de la fotoIn April hosts many races (with distances ranging from 5 kilometers to marathons to the more usual 10 to 20 kilometers) and, with the proper training and discipline, there is still time to dust off the shoes and sweatpants and prepare to debut in one of them. Then a few basic tips to get started in the exciting world of popular athletics.

1. Make the decision to run. Whatever your fitness, this is a good time to start exercising. It is more than likely that the first day you feel exhausted, breathless come home and within hours the dreaded laces make an appearance. Do not worry, it is very normal: it is the way it has to remind the body that is a little rusty. The only way to convince them to stop muscles ache is not discouraged and have discipline and perseverance. On the second day, and legs ache a little less. In return, you'll quickly feel what is known as the "corridor buzz" endorphins are released and feels an irresistible sense of wellbeing.

2. Basic equipment. Most important for running a healthy way is to have a good pair of shoes with good cushioning. No need to spend millions on the last couple of a fashion brand, but agree that the shoes are specialized for the type of soil to be run (asphalt, sand or track) and is adapted to the type of Tread the corridor (pronator, supinator or neutral). It is best to approach a specialist shop, get tested and being advised to tread. Moreover, it helps provide plastic garment, light and not heated. If you run at night, picking up a reflective garment is a good idea.

3. To combat the cold. Now we must keep warm in the winter cold, but without going over. Wear clothes may end up being too annoying. The feeling is ideal feel some Freso to start running. In just five minutes you will have been removed. Special attention to the throat and hands, which are two areas that suffer with low temperatures. Of course, the end is vital shelter soon and take the clothes soaked in sweat.

4.Estiramientos. It is essential to make a good batch of stretching before and after exercise. These should always be smooth (if it hurts the muscle is being made worse), sustained-but not more than 30 seconds, and fleeing the typical bounce against the floor or wall. The intensity should be higher at the end than before. A good way to loosen the muscles is a brief run of five minutes and stop to stretch before continuing the race. On the Internet it is easy to find several tables stretching.

5. Food. A healthy diet is the perfect weight loss corridor. In fact, there are many brokers who are frustrated because they start running and do not thin. The reason? They can be several, but one common to start doing the exercise you feel "liberated" and just eating more (and worse). As should run outputs them at least two hours after eating to avoid as far as possible gastric discomfort.

6. Call it "run" or "running", never "footing" or "jogging". Demonstrate that is stuck in 1990.

7. Mobile applications. A good way to check the progress that has been made is to use some of the mobile applications (runstar, RunKeeper, Nike ...) that measure the distance, time and pace carried per kilometer.

8. Improve brands. As Mourinho say, the key is to get out of the "comfort zone". While it is true that novice runners better very quickly, it is also easy to get into performance plateaus that exceed costs. One way to avoid them is to vary the workout: make shorter runs and faster, train for series (five batches of 1,000 feet instead of 5,000, for example), do progressive careers, starting quiet and increasing the pace every mile
