
Heart Rate Calculator - Calculate your frequency range for aerobic training

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Speaking of aerobic and ideal training frequencies given to write an entire book. In this article I will talk over with the intention of giving the less experienced readers base that allows them to make a proper aerobic training. Let no one be offended if I'm not too technical in this article. "
The significance of heart rate

Heart rate is the best indicator quickly exercise intensity we are doing. It's easy to measure due to heart rate monitors, and allows us to very accurately calculate the intensity with which we are training. Depending on the objective we want to obtain, we must select a frequency range which will move our heart rate throughout the workout.

For example, for a target weight loss or improved health, especially in people who start an exercise program, you should move with a heart rate near the threshold (40% of the maximum) This will induce energy supply during exercise of fat reserves. However, if the goal is to improve cardiovascular performance because we have better resistance to play paddle tennis or running a race at the highest level, working heart rate should approximate the maximum threshold, as it is at these levels where body is stimulated to produce cardiovascular adaptations towards increased cardiovascular performance.

An example of this, Mary is a woman of 28 years with an average physical condition. For her, the frequency range within which it must move to be doing an aerobic workout is 135 to 170 ppm (beats per minute)
And training objectives Ranges

I have ever seen an image like the side of one of the cardio machines in any gym. Depending on age, each stripe sets the frequency range within which we must move to make a kind of training or another. It can be said that there are four essential bands:
Low intensity. It is the lower end, and is where we are in daily activities.
Low or moderate intensity. Is the strip where we should move for weight management.
Moderate intensity. Is the strip where there are adaptations of fitness and cardiovascular performance improvements.
High intensity. Race training.
Unlike the picture, I prefer to use 4 slots and not to mention the danger zone, and "never" should train there.
We will focus on calculating the intensity is low and moderate aerobic training range.
Maximum heart rate, basal heart rate and heart rate reserve

The maximum heart rate reserve and the need for training ranges. Without going into great detail, maximum heart rate can be obtained by subtracting 220 minus age. Eg

Mary is 28 years old, so their maximum heart rate is 220-28 = 192ppm

The baseline heart rate is the heart rate that we have complete rest and relaxed in a lying position. The best way to calculate heart rate is taking us around wake. The mean values ​​in normal persons, ranging from 60 - 70ppm, this varies depending on fitness. An elite athlete can reach 35ppm.

Heart rate reserve is subtracted from the maximum heart rate minus baseline. Again, going back to Mary, if you have a baseline rate of 51ppm, has a frequency reservation 192-51 = 141ppm.
How do we calculate the frequency range?

Well, once we have the maximum frequency and especially the booking, we will calculate the area of ​​training.

Ideally, a test of individual effort to determine the anaerobic threshold ("threshold intensity") and from there, determine the range of aerobic work. If we do not have these means, we can use as a guideline the following ranges considering the physical form of the subject:
Low fitness. Between 40% and 75% of the heart rate reserve.
Average physical shape. Between 60% and 85% of the heart rate reserve.
Good physical shape. Between 70% and 90% of the heart rate reserve.
