As discussed in the first article in the "why" of both cancer today, and have said it is a combination of factors, such as genetic, bad habits and healthy eating habits but also the polluted environment, sedentary lifestyle, and stress permanently, leading to cancer development.
We also have to say that as the genetic factor is "backpack" that everyone has brought through inheritance, we can not change but instead there are factors that we can change and that is why in this article we focus on the antidote to this that is constantly looking after a healthy lifestyle, eating habits, physical activity, balance, peace and tranquility in our emotions.
And, as psychology, when it comes to remove or change things we must incorporate that replace other, and that's what we say on, to remove bad habits we have to put other good.
And if we said that the refined, the industrial, packaging it brings us to our health problems, we must then find a replacement and is nothing natural foods, without processes, if possible without much chemical pollution, little foraging contaminated with pesticides, pesticide, etc ...
To say that if you get used to a diet based on fruits, vegetables, legumes, cereals (grains), vegetables, fish, meat (preferably organic), field birds, eggs field of industrial pollution clean environments. And if you get a discipline of daily physical activity for at least 30 minutes, and we used to be more relaxed and calm (ie see life through different eyes), then we have gained considerable ground in the battle against cancer, because all above strengthen our immune system and it will know to react to a possible "invasion of tumor cells."
Some of the food highlights scientific studies against cancer are:
Green tea
Is able to block angiogenesis (the growth of new blood vessels required for tumor growth). Two or three cups a day is enough.
It contains numerous polyphenols called catechins, powerful anti-inflammatory molecules. It is also a powerful antioxidant and detoxifier. Its molecules block the effects of chemical carcinogens responsible for breast, lung, esophagus, stomach and colon.
(The yellow powder which constitutes one ingredient of curry yellow)
It is the most powerful natural anti-inflammatory identified today. In the laboratory it has been shown to enhance the effectiveness of chemotherapy and reduces tumor growth. But attention! For the organism assimilates, be mixed with ground black pepper. And the ratio is as follows: a quarter tablespoon of turmeric, plus a generous pinch of ground black pepper, plus a quarter teaspoon of olive oil, all mixed and you can add it as a topping to salads, soups or vegetables hot.
The black chocolate with over 70% cocoa, contains large amounts of antioxidants, proanthocyanidins, and many polyphenols. These molecules suppress the growth of cancer cells and limited angiogenesis.
Consumption of 20 grams of black chocolate per day (1/5 of a tablet) represents an acceptable amount of calories. Please note that should not be taken with dairy products because it cuts the beneficial effects of cocoa molecules. Avoid chocolate milk.
Foods that act as medicine:
We can quote and say "hate cancer cells"
Garlic, whole cabbage family (Brussels sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower), rosemary, raspberry, grape, ginger, soy, common mushroom, turmeric, tomatoes.
The red fruits: blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries ...
We also considered along with the above, some general recommendations such as:
Fiber is very important for the proper functioning of the body and protects us against a possible bowel cancer so the use of whole grains (bread, pasta, rice), legumes, fruits, and vegetables, all fiber foods.
As important vitamins protective against cancer because they neutralize oxidizing substances in the body, protruding Vitamins E, C, A together with selenium (found in nuts, vegetable oils, meat, green leafy vegetables and cereals.
As with that sweetened foods, natural sweeteners have two stand out: Stevia, and agave syrup. Safe and easy are already on the market.
As for fats, which use extra virgin olive oil and flaxseed oil are two highly recommended.
Limit alcoholic drinks.
Eliminate consumption of snuff.
Limit the use of salt in cooking and eating salty foods.
Avoid consumption of smoked, salted, braised, pickled and cooked right in general to fire or smoke.
Adequate intake of fluids especially water, between meals and with meals.
Maintaining a reasonable body weight.
To conclude this article we must remember that there are examples of food or healthy diet that we must look back to as the "Mediterranean Diet", the "traditional Indian Diet" and the "Asian Cuisine".