Aesthetic and anti-aging treatments are, in many cases, the protagonists of spas. Now you can help your client to optimize your results with a diet that suits your needs and help you delay the passage of time.
A healthy diet is one that suits the human body because it produces health. And from a metabolic perspective, health is merely homeostasis, ie the state of harmony of all metabolic processes. The importance of diet in health or harmony of our metabolism, has been recognized since antiquity. HipĆ³crites already said that "we are what we eat". And warned "that your food be your medicine." Metabolism is nothing but harmonious state of equilibrium, and it is exactly this point that nothing is lacking and nothing is superfluous. As a body in balance is one that can keep every process without any squeaks piece because it contains all the elements necessary for this operation to be perfect.
Metabolic changes over time
In youth, enzymatic secretions are usually perfect and tight, while a certain age, the levels of the metabolic secretions and have to help the body with supplementation. With age may lower the pH or increasing the acidity or, to increase the onset of oxidative free radicals as a result of the slowing down of the metabolic and cell death. So it is good to think about it and compensate.
If we focus on a diet can slow aging, we will say that so far, calorie restriction is the best way to do this because it increases longevity and provides better health. This does not have to be a form of Ayuo and certainly does not have to get close to malnutrition. These were limited to lower the level of calories consumed throughout the day, without this, you give some nutritional deficiencies. This is to give the body the necessary nutrients depending on the active lifestyle that one performs.
According to the standards set by the FDA (American Pharmaceutical Federation), state regulatory body, a moderately active man, aged between 25 and 50 years should consume about 3,200 calories a day, but those who participate in a calorie restriction diet consumed 2,000 or less per day. This same American agency advises women of the same age around 2,300 calories. However, following a restrictive diet consume only 1,500 or so daily, taking into account that both practiced a medium or moderate exercise.
In short, the benefits of calorie restriction are: increased longetividad, improved mental clarity by increasing neurotransmitter receptors, decrease fat deposits, decreased insulin levels and better blood sugar control, reduced risk cancer, decreased production of ROS (oxidative free radicals) and better detoxification, decreased risk of vascular disease and osteoporosis less.
If caloric intake decreases, it is logical to decrease the metabolic work. As a consequence, there will be less oxidative free radical production, and thus less cell damage, less cancer, increased levels of protective enzymes such as SOP (superoxide dismutase), catalase and glutathione peroxidase, which neutralize free radicals.
When an individual is caloric restriction, your body works by inducing the expression of sirtuin (SIRTI), an enzyme that deacetila proteins and contributes to cellular regulation, so that the body responds best to stress and is also prepared for increased longevity . Sirtuins, related to the benefits of caloric restriction, according to several studies also have demonstrated to prolong survival, because these enzymes at high levels delay the degeneration of damaged nerve cells and their functions affect the control of secretion insulin. They are activated when exposed to resveratrol, a substance found in red wine and also has certain properties that favor longevity.
Anti Aging Diet
By the time we set start Dietary Guidelines for an aging should be aware that it must consist of: healthy food healthy balanced diet with some caloric restriction, with a shot of nutraceutical supplements in line with individual needs and lifestyle chord (exercise appropriate to the age and conditions, without stress, with harmony and inner peace). Still, it's very important not to lose sight of antiaging diet is not a diet to lose weight or to win or therapeutic purposes, whatever they may be, but it is a maintenance diet for life, with In order to obtain results in order to:
Delaying biological age so that it always shows lower than chronological age.
Prolong the life the most that can
But with the highest quality, so as to get give life to years and not years to life, which is to live more years with quality of life and without dependence.
Preventing disease
Enhance vitality and energy
And to achieve the above objectives, it is necessary to analyze foods considered essential and remaining nutritional pyramids placed in order of importance:
In the first level will not miss the water, vegetables and continue fruits, fish chicken turkey and legumes but not dairy probiotics as such, only yougures or kefir or soy yogurt, cottage cheese, either cow, sheep or goat, but better these last two. The lean beef will be in the last place. It is advisable to reduce the consumption of red meat, sugar, saturated fat, foods cooked at high temperatures and that 40% of the food taken what constitute carbohydrates, 30% proteins and 30% fats other. And on the top level of the pyramid lie sugars and confectionery, after a certain age and if not exceptionally, as antiaging diet should be deleted.
This type of diet is based on which advises the Zone diet as maintenance diet, which is based on the control of the endocrine response of the person through food, so we add the omega-3 fatty acid on the second level, after water.
What are Omega 3 fatty acids?
In recent years, we are constantly bombarded by advertising of foods fortified with omega-3. But what are they really? What are their roles and effective dose?
Fatty acids are substances which as the name suggests are "fat". However, such fats are divided into:
Essential fatty acids (the can body manufacture)
Essential fatty acids (the body's shape and so you have to eat them with diet) as is the case of omega-3 that occur in various structures and omega-6
Fatty acids are also classified as saturated and unsaturated or trans. The former have specific functions, but should be a good balance in coexsitir and third are man-made and are bad for health. Omega-3s are found mainly in oily fish "fresh", walnuts, flax seeds and green vegetables. Fortified foods, which we are familiar, are insufficient amounts of omega-3 and therefore not get them the benefits "promised" on television.
Recommended Foods
Given the importance of these fatty acids in the metabolism and have manifested as cardiovascular protective elements against cancer, antiaging diet can not withdraw from them, like you can not forget exercise in lifestyle, so they attach to it the first level in the same range as the water. Therefore, we could make a list in order of preference of the most appropriate food in diets against aging: water, exercise, omega-3 fatty acids, vegetables, fruit, fish, legumes, nuts, eggs, chicken (farm ), turkey, cereals, dairy, lean beef, sweets and sugars.
Dr. Gloria Sabater advised to take much broccoli from vegetables like watercress, radish and bean sprouts and other sprouts, onion and garlic, lots of red fruit, pepper, vegetables and oily fish. This will be followed avocados, mushrooms, olive oil, turmeric and green tea. And do not forget the squid rich in taurine.
Useful tips when preparing
Avoiding high cooking at high temperatures and long time of cooking that devalue the nutritional content of food.
Ensure that fruits and vegetables are fresh and not from freezing or refrigeration.
Reduce consumption of saturated fat and salt
Increase consumption of oily fish, nuts, soy and garlic
Seek to make as fruit or pomegranate extract