
Apple: Benefits for the whole body

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"An apple a day keeps the doctor away" so the adage says English. As always popular wisdom is not wrong: the apple has many health benefits that you will discover in the next note.
The apple is a pome fruit edible obtained from any kind of apple: this may be domestic (Malus domestica) or other belonging to the genus Malus or hybrid of that. Apple has always been an important food source for feeding cold climates and is probably the oldest continuously cultivated tree. For this reason, it has been used with different culinary purposes: can be eaten fresh with or without skin, and from it can be prepared: vinegar, cider, jam, juice, smoothies, salads and cake (like the one present in the Natural Chef) .

Protagonist in the story

The apple appears repeatedly in the history of mankind. To begin with it is illustrated in the biblical landscape that Adam and Eve were expelled from Paradise by tasting the fruit of the tree of knowledge and God expelled them from paradise. Paradise symbolizes the state of tranquility before doing evil while apple temptation means. Years later, in the contemporary age, an apple fell from a tree that inspired the English physicist Isaac Newton to create his "theory of gravity" and the universal law of gravity.

Long life

Not to mention the citrus, apple is the fruit species that can be maintained for longer retains its nutritional value. In the early seventeenth century, winter apples were one of the few foods that could be picked in late autumn and stored in chambers above the freezing point. Thus, could be traded for longer without losing its properties. Currently, Apple has a greater lifespan, after being cut, due to the use of radiation reduces the presence of damaging agents.

Where to find it

It is one of the most cultivated fruit in the world. Currently, two-fifths of global culture belong to China. Other major producers are the United States, Turkey, France, Italy and Iran. In Latin America, the most important are Chile (Central Valley) and Argentina (Upper Black River Valley), areas where the climate and soil characteristics favor the cultivation. In recent years, Ecuador has added to this list thanks to a variety of apples that have adapted to high latitudes and warm temperatures.

Nutritional Information

Apples are rich in pectin, sugars (has three types: fructose, glucose and sucrose) and vitamins. It also has medicinal properties: laxative because it helps in some digestive disorders like bloating, heartburn, diarrhea, constipation, and gastroenteritis.

In these cases, doctors recommend the continued intake of apple pieces.

Good for the Brain

Research from the University of Massachusetts Lowell (UML) indicates that apple juice consumption may increase production in the brain of the essential neurotransmitter acetylcholine resulting in improved memory. Neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine are chemicals released from nerve cells that transmit messages to other nerve cells. Such communication between cells is vital for good health of the whole body because it helps prevent Alzheimer's disease and slow the aging brain cells.

√ Cosmetics

By its astringent, apple has been used since ancient times to make facial masks, in order to remove impurities and tone the skin.

√ diuretic and purifying

It helps eliminate body fluids, and its content of cystine, arginine and malic acid, adequate to remove bodily toxins. Therefore, it is recommended in cases of obesity, rheumatism and kidney related diseases.

√ No toxic

The apple lacks toxicity, apart ingestion of the seeds which, like all contain Rosaceae combined with acidic gastric juices produced cyanide intake although they would have to be very large.

√ Apple Cider Vinegar

This is one of the derivatives of the apple which has already more properties used externally and internally promoting muscle relaxation, skin irritation and allergy in general.

√ Flowers and fruits

His collection and preservation should be done when they begin to bloom and mature. The flowers should be dried in the shade and kept in a tightly closed container. Apples should be stored in a cool dark place.

√ Heart Friendly

Its high content of methionine, phosphorus and rich in soluble fiber are essential in controlling cholesterol. Also, the value of the histidine vasodilator (a natural amino acid) makes it a good ally to lower blood pressure in hypertension.
