
10 keys to healthy eyes

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The 10 keys to healthy eyes round out all our recommendations to keep your eye health in top form
10 keys to healthy eyes
When there are just two weeks to see the year, maybe you've already begun to raise the purposes for the new year, you usually have to do with the extra kilos, to quit smoking or learn languages. Well we're going to propose something different to think about your eyes. With the help of Transitions Optical, do not miss our recommendations to keep your eye health throughout the year. The fact is that we only have two eyes are for life!

The specialist visit, fundamental. Many of the problems associated with eye sight and no symptoms or other signs become evident, so it may go unnoticed. So, this year you have to pay a visit to the specialist. Keep in mind that 50% of cases of vision loss can be prevented with an annual visual recognition.

Beware the sun. Ultraviolet radiation is present 365 days, so it is necessary to protect your eyes all year round, even on cloudy days.

The food is also important. Not only carrots are good for your eyes. The avocado and peppers are great for protecting the eye retina. Almonds delay favor of ocular conditions, whereas crystalline lime protects against cataracts originating opacity. The macadamia nut crust prevents myopia and the egg is a source of vitamin A, rich in lutein and zeantina, both with more than beneficial properties for the view.

Goodbye stress. Inevitably suffer from eye strain when most of the time we are at the computer, the TV or reading. To avoid this it is necessary to exercise our eyes. Every 20 minutes remove the light from the computer, book or TV and focus for 10 to 15 seconds an object is away and then see something close for another 10 to 15 seconds.

Massage?? Yes, thank you! Relax your eye muscles and stimulates blood flow to a massage. If you want to increase oxygen and nutrients while circulation improvements for a fresh look that will brighten your face to follow the steps of the virtual trainer website.

Masks and creams. Overwork and lack of sleep can increase eye strain. To ease our tired eyes and swollen and increase blood flow is appropriate to use hot or cold masks and eye creams.

Avoid glare. Excessive light on sunny days can cause glare. It is therefore necessary to use approved sunglasses or photochromic lenses.

Also when you play sports. The constant change of light is one of the main problems for people who practice outdoor sports. The protection becomes, again, a basic pillar.

From infancy. Adults are responsible to inform children about the importance of protecting their eyes (you can 'bail out' page, deTranstions Optical, curiosities about the eyes, the anatomy of the eye, the dangers of UV radiation and fun games).

Keep good lighting in your home and office. Lighting is vital to avoid eye strain, so it is advisable to light the rooms by 50% below the level of brightness of your computer screen and avoid watching television in the dark and make sure the light is not reflected in screen.
