1) Eat breakfast every day.
Breakfast wakes up your metabolism, so you spend more calories throughout the day. With a good breakfast you are giving your body what it needs to recover after an overnight fast and you less hungry the rest of the day. By maintaining constant levels of glucose and insulin, can resist the bun or tortilla skewer, I served with an apple and a juice.
2) Controls fat.
An Italian work published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism shows that you burn more calories eating foods low in fat. The same number of calories per meal, foods rich in protein and carbohydrates cause greater calorie expenditure (thermogenesis) that foods high in fat. This may explain why some people gain weight despite eating very little (less than 1,500 calories a day), and taking small portions of foods high in fat as a candy bar or a slice of pizza, and instead there are others that can eat large amounts of food without getting fat, then choose large servings of foods like legumes, vegetables, fruits and cereals that have little fat.
3) Training fasting.
There is a trend that is spreading to activate metabolism: train in the morning before breakfast. The aim is to reduce the reserves of glucose or glycogen to use fat reserves for energy during exercise. These "tricks" are only valid for the "professionals" who need to stay "thin" and increase their strength, but they keep a medical and can relax after (and eat). For those who have to work every day, only to be followed the weekend very well controlling appetite, if not get to work exhausted and starving and end up eating the first thing you have on hand.
4) Not a low-calorie diets.
If you want to lose weight, you need to spend at the end of the day more calories than you eat. Eating is spent to absorb energy, transport, store and metabolize food. The so-called thermic effect of food increases resting metabolism between 8 and 16% during the two or three hours after eating. The metabolism works in your favor, if you eat works best, but if you do not eat what you need, slows energy for good measure, so stop "burn" stored fat and lose weight. Also do not keep your energy levels high throughout the day, which lowers your performance during sports or in your daily life, and the less you move, the less you spend.
5) pecks intelligently.
Make 7 meals a day to ensure a varied and increasing energy expended in the combustion of food, which will increase your caloric expenditure while maintaining high metabolism. Besides the three main meals, lunch and snack recovered slightly with foods low in calories and high in fiber (whole grain crackers, cheeses, yogurts, fruits, etc..).
6) Controls carbohydrates.
Carbohydrates are the best source of energy, but do not have to eliminate from your diet. Taking carbohydrate foods low glycemic index, the richest in fiber (whole grains, brown rice, vegetables, fruits, etc..), Avoiding high glycemic index (sugar, sweets, pasta, potatoes, carrots, bread , etc.)
7) Reduce your efficiency.
The more you train a sport, the more effective you are, which means that you spend less calories to do the same exercise. You have to be a little awkward to "burn" more. Modify your workouts and do what more it costs: speed changes, rhythms, loads ... if you swim intriduce items like shovels, etc..
8) Vitaminiza your metabolism.
Vitamins and minerals are not slimming, but are necessary to obtain energy from food, and some are essential for energy metabolism. If you want to "burn" the dose you must take care of B vitamins (B1, B3, B6, B12, folic acid) chromium and zinc.
9) Maximize the volume.
You can burn more calories each day eating. The body needs energy to digest a meal, the trick is to select foods for their volume and calorie content, ie: "fill your stomach full with fewer calories per meal" with so-called "Big Foods "(great food), those with a low energy density or contain fewer calories per 100 grams, but they occupy a large volume, and very high in fiber (which produces satiety quickly).
10) Drink throughout the day.
Drink water throughout the day, or even drink water during meals, helps you eat less food. Besides the water helps cleanse and eliminate toxins that can promote fat accumulation.
11) Feed your muscles with healthy proteins.
To get a higher percentage of muscle mass is not enough specific exercise, the power supply need amino acids to create the proteins that make up muscles. Choose protein foods with a lower percentage of fat as chicken, fish, boiled eggs, fresh cheeses, soy ...
12) But take something before bed.
To promote muscle gain should not miss prolonged periods of fasting, overnight spend many hours without eating, it is seen that a small protein snack before bed (a protein bar, a glass of skim milk, a yoghurt, etc.). prevents peaks in blood insulin and glucose and keeps the engine tract.
A) Basal metabolism is the energy you use to keep the body alive, to keep the heartbeat, other bodily functions, the brain activity and the regulation of body temperature. Represents 50 to 75 percent of daily caloric expenditure. Use the following formulas to calculate the approximate basal metabolic rate (BMR). The formulas for men and women are different because men have more muscle mass than women and burn more calories through basal metabolism. Vary with age because older slower metabolism going. Just put your weight in kilograms to calculate P in a simple way the number of calories you need to keep your body at rest.
B) Digestion: In the process of digestion is spent about 10 percent of the calories that are used to process the foods consumed. For example, if you eat 2,000 calories a day you need to burn 200 to digest food. Indeed, eating burns calories in the same way that exercise does, but to a lesser degree.
C) Physical Activity: In the various activities that take place throughout the day to spend 15 to 40 percent of total calories burned. Physical activity is the most important component of energy expenditure over which you have complete control. When people think of burning calories, think vigorous exercise such as jogging or playing tennis. However, many people forget that all physical activity burns calories, even activities as simple as getting off the couch.