It is very difficult to hit with the purchase of a pillow by testing in just five minutes in a physical store. If we can see if it is higher or lower, harder or softer, but after spending an entire night with the pillow choice in those few minutes, often causes us to repent of your purchase.
It is important therefore that the opinion and advice of the expert and is usually where most physical stores and especially in the big malls go weak, and the clerk usually rotate through different sections: Today the clerk / a sold mattresses, pillows tomorrow and the next month goes to the menswear section. There are usually lots of turnover and lack of sufficient knowledge for each product.
Generally online stores provide far more information than they receive in a physical store by a clerk / a:
- General and specific characteristics.
- Measures and ratings
- Materials used in the product.
- Information about the manufacturer.
- Uses and specific product care.
- Reviews of other customers.
- Certification of quality and workmanship.
- Etc ...
If we have further questions, you can contact us via email, to broaden our product information.
One myth that revolves around the pillows is that it is healthier to sleep without them. However, the head needs to support the spine remains in its natural position and not be subjected to any tension. It is much better to sleep with a pillow, because if you sleep without it, the neck is forced too, especially if you sleep on your side.
Each person sleeps differently and not everyone has the same dimensions (head, neck, bow ..). Most important is that the position of the neck or not forced forward or downward while maintaining the spine as straight as possible.
In young and healthy, it is best to use a not too thick or squishy, while people with arthritic cervical spine injury, should be as thin as possible.
It is important to realize that a break incorrectly can cause significant declines in the backbone, altering the elasticity of the muscles and reduce therefore the concentration and performance.
We will detail a number of recommendations for choosing a pillow considering how to sleep:
* Sleeping on your back. Thin pillow is recommended. This should ensure that the cervical spine form with the same angle as when standing. A very wide pillow would tend to cause the excess flexionase neck forward while sleeping without a pillow would tend to make the neck was hyperextended (head tilt up). Keep these two positions for hours would facilitate the development of cervical contractures.
* Sleeping resting on a shoulder. Thick pillow is recommended. You must keep your neck in the axis of the spine, and ensure no drop or rotate. That is a straight spine.
* Sleeping face down is not recommended. Doing so usually modifies the curvature of the lumbar spine and to breathe, keep the neck turned for several hours. If you can not sleep in another position, try to do it slightly sideways. If you would spin to the left side, you should flex the hip and right knee, while maintaining straight left, turn your shoulders and try and adapt the shape of the pillow to the head, so that the relative position of the neck in relation the spine is as close as possible to that shape when standing.
If you are unsure of the position in which you sleep, experts recommend selecting a pillow that has a high degree of flexibility, spongy enough to accommodate different positions. Natural fill pillows tend to have this quality.
Firstly to choose a good pillow, it is important to know the most common types of pillows that are on the market and their features to see if they fit our needs. These are the most common:
- Down Pillows: Pillows filled with down offer one type of media suitable for those who need a soft pillow. It is usually recommended for children over 5 years, adolescents, and young people without cervical pathology and who like to sleep on a support soft. Provide good comfort (softness in the support and nice touch).
- Polyester fiber pillows: They are of low quality, so its cheaper price. They provide a soft support and not suitable for people with neck problems. Shortly breathable get too hot (sweating). The vast majority are washable, the vast majority being matted.
- Latex pillows: They offer good support releasing pressure from the head, but in overall compensation excessive heat, which may reach sweaty. Are breathable and core bit needs to be ventilated often to prevent the occurrence of fungi or bacteria.
The latex being a resilient material, these pillows suffer greater vibration movements.
There are many types of latex and will depend pillow quality and price.
- Pillows viscoeláticas: They offer fantastic support highly adaptable because it offers the viscoelastic material eliminating pressure sleep surface on the body. It adapts well to body contours (head) and has no vibration motion is not as elastic.
In return get too hot and depending on the density can become too hard.
- Memory Foam Pillows and Memory Foam: Memory foam is a material made of polyurethane and some chemicals that contribute to its viscosity level, making it denser. At first, the memory foam was created by NASA to protect astronauts from G-force during take-off, and then was used in medical applications involving patients suffering from pain or had to stay in bed for a long period .
The foam reacts quickly to the weight and temperature of your body, conforming to the exact shape of your body. So no matter if you prefer to sleep face up, down or sideways. With this type of pillow your weight evenly distributed and will always be your column is in a comfortable position.
Some features to take into account are:
1. Fits perfectly to the body (head)
2. Turning to the opposite side, the pillow regains its shape which has been supported.
3. The memory foam is ideal for allergy sufferers as it is hypoallergenic.
4. You never have to worry again about dust mites, memory foam is resistant to dust mites and microbes.
7. The memory foam is recommended by many health professionals, it allows patients to sleep better and consequently frees many of their pains.