
The care of the ears

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The hygiene of the ears of babies is essential to avoid infections and problems that may impair hearing and language development of children

The ear is a very important organ but also very fragile and, therefore, must be treated with special care. The baby hygiene is very delicate, especially in this area, where there is a need for deep cleaning.

It is normal for the baby's ears with wax abundant. Although some parents may surprise you, it is necessary to protect the middle and inner ear of external infections. The wax should have a yellowish, sticky, if not, may indicate that the baby has an infection or disease.

We often use nails to clean the ear, which can be dangerous for hearing health. Other utensils equally familiar, such as rods, may be the cause of formation of plugs or eardrum perforations. However, according to the second study Audimer about ear hygiene habits, 93% of the Spanish still using swabs for ear hygiene and 69% are satisfied with the use thereof. Paradoxically, 74% believe that the rods can contribute to the onset of ear problems.

How to prevent ear infections?

If you keep your baby's ear clean and well maintained, you will increase the chances of preventing infections are common in young children.

- To keep your ears clean, simply move the peak of a towel or gauze moistened by the pinna, without rubbing and without forgetting the part of the folds behind the ears.

- The inner ear area should not be swabbed or to be entered into the ear canal for any reason, as they may cause damage to the area and / or cause inflammation.

- The earwax going out alone, should not try to take off with anything.

- Clean your mucus instilling saline or salt water and sucking it without much pressure.

- Prevents drafts given, Secale good ears after bathing and abrĂ­gale ears when you go out for a walk in winter.

- If you take the hands to the ears and cries a lot, you may experience an infection or inflammation.

- You can use a diffuser clean seawater to allow both the external and internal ear gently and safely. It is recommended to apply the therapeutic properties seawater 2 or 3 times per week. Continued use of these diffusers prevent hearing problems such as earwax, and maintains healthy ears.

- Avoid loud noises and music television or very high, their hearing is more acute and sensitive than older people and may damage.

- It does not keep the baby's ears underwater, but nothing happens either because they splash or between them a bit.
