This makes cleaning stimuli to different organs of the body, because the magnetic field generated by the computer transforms salt water into pure oxygen and helps eliminate toxins through the feet, for there on the feet, are the oil and sweat glands that draw toxins out of your body
The full balance of our body.
The benefits of ionic foot baths are also because it helps to balance the energy fields. The body undertaking autodesintoxicación help each and every one of our bodies work better, and the quality of life, seen from the point of view of physical and mental health will improve.
When our body eliminates harmful substances, can do a better job of absorbing all kinds of nutrients, and, in this way, our cells regenerate work undertaken. It may well breathe very well and our energy, in addition to being balanced, increase for the benefit of our daily tasks.
Some benefits of ionic foot bath.
Strengthen the respiratory system.
Obtain adequate relaxation of muscles and joints.
In addition to debug the kidney, liver, prostate, can help expel kidney stones.
For allergy sufferers, can be combated effectively. The skin problems can also be treated.
For those looking for solutions from aesthetics, this therapy also slows aging.
In cases of addiction, the benefits of ionic foot baths are aimed at cutting the vices as harmful to health such as snuff and alcohol.
The stress, so common today in a society that is moving so fast, can be eradicated, and also help you sleep better, getting nice breaks for better work performance.
The benefits of ionic foot baths are also about aesthetics: the skin blemishes. Therapy of combat, and can make our skin also hydrates and more sensitive to the touch.
As for slow recoveries after regrouping, the benefits will be in terms of time, decreasing faster ostensibly to be back in our activities.
The purified blood and circulation will be renewed.
Contraindications to consider.
Here are people who for various reasons can not perform this therapy, it goes against your health:
Those who would have carried heart transplants.
What we bring with pacemakers.
Those who suffer from hemophilia or epilepsy.
Potentiates detoxification functions.
People being treated with any medication, be no impediment to ionic footbath treatment, because therapy is an adjunct, a treatment that makes a clean bioenergy that potentiates and strengthens the body's normal functions. The process is done without releasing vitamins or medicines that have not been absorbed. However, it will not hurt to check with your doctor before undergoing detoxification.