
TIPS to slow aging

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TIPS to slow agingAging is a process deleterious, progressive, intrinsic and universal that eventually occurs in every living resulting from the interaction of the individual's genetics and their environment.
It could also be defined as all changes that occur in an organism over time and lead to loss of function and death.
Thanks to advances in science and the study on the best advice we can give to retardes this process as you can. But the important thing here is not only to see but also feel younger and especially young grow old in a healthy accepting this stage and live it fully, the biggest mistake is not to accept the stages of life and try to live eternally in a.

As we age the skin loses elasticity and fat giving a less smooth appearance. Wrinkles appear with varying intensity depending on the care you have given to your skin.
Continued exposure to the sun over your life and smoking, among other things, accelerate the aging of your skin.
Here are some tips:
Rigorous cleaning is essential to your skin in the morning to remove skin oils and evening to remove makeup and dirt all day.
In addition to daily cleaning is necessary to exfoliate the skin once a week to remove dead cells and give a dull appearance on our skin.
This will create greater oxygenation of the skin.
It is necessary that you apply a moisturizer to keep your skin's elasticity.
The skin has to fight every day against the sun, wind, cold and rain, that contribute to skin aging.
This cosmetics provide a barrier against these enemies.
From the age of 30 your skin reacts to everything that has been exposed and is manifested by spots, enlarged pores, among other brands.
Also if you use birth control pills can you get pregnant or spots appear on your skin. This is the time for the implementation of professional treatments such as peels to help improve the quality of your skin.
After age 40, hormonal changes are more frequent, our skin begins to change, appear dark circles, sagging in the face, wrinkles around the eyes and more.
You must use professional care.
These are some of the products that can help you: Moisturizers nutritious, eye creams, glicĂ­lico acid with vitamin A and E, peels layers, masks soothing facial nourishing, regenerating bio.
The method "aging" more effective is a diet low in calories and high in nutrients.
Council home care of your skin: To remove dead skin cells applied on your skin daily carrot juice (rich in vitamin A) mixed with a moisturizer.
To slow the aging of the skin with vitamin E, can apply daily on the desired area olive oil cold pressed.
As we saw feeding is essential so you can go to a specialist to give you a balanced diet that is right for you. But you can start with knowing that there are foods that will help you more than others and then you list it:
Ten foods rich in antioxidants
Berries: Blueberries, blackberries, raspberries and strawberries
Broccoli and broccoli
Cabbage and kale in general
Onions, especially the purple-
Tomatoes, especially fried-
Other recommendations that you can not forget:
Selenium Selenium is a trace mineral that promotes the body's defenses. Selenium can be found in Brazil nuts in large quantities. So for those who will not grow old, eat 1 or 2 Brazil nuts daily will help.
Eat less and chew more Eat less quantities of food but they have more vitamins and minerals and chew food better. Nutritionists say that chewing food 20 times reduces the number of calories that we give to our body.

Exercise: The same as always, eat healthy and exercise. We got tired of hearing it but many do not. Exercise not only helps you stay fit but also helps to maintain flexibility. We recommend you go to experts for you to avoid injuries, Total Fitness of Ciudad Juarez find the best.
Multivitamins, vitamin E, calcium: This is a mixture of three pills that may help you stay young for long.
Tecitos Magic: The eternal youth teas, sage tea and damiana tea.
Healthy Habits: Although I know it is hard to get rid of habits that we can accelerate aging, drinking and smoking can help us age more quickly so if you can not cut this habit comes back a bit.
So take care of our body and so achieve reach the stage of old age in the best way possible, but remember that the mind is the most powerful so keep a positive attitude, love yourself a lot and you'll see the results you want.
