Diabetes (type II) is one of the most common diseases of the time and that many people have to suffer this "silent" disease affecting almost the entire human body. I read in a magazine called Natural Health "The Guardian of Health" that this disease can be cured diabetes in 25 days exactly with this natural treatment, since according to them this blood disease is caused by diet and lifestyle. This diet was created by Mike Adams that radically changed his life and that when it comes to food and illness must change our way of life as naturally to improve our health.
This is the calendar that should take to change your diet and life in gral. with responsibility and discipline:
Day 01:
Stop the consumption of all soft drinks of all kinds, whether regular or diet. The human body was not designed to drink them. Some diabetics are "hooked" on these beverages when leaving scrap and recover quickly.
Day 02:
Spend at least 45 minutes for light exercise, such as walking (which his health permitting)
Day 03:
Completely stop the consumption of white flour and products based on it: white bread, biscuits, cakes, pastries, snacks, etc.. White flour contains Alloxan, a chemical solvent that is the direct cause of diabetes in lab rats.
Day 04:
Start to consume adequate amounts of essential fatty acids: Omega 3 acietes especially. These oils come from extra virgin olive oil cold pressed or sardines. Also recommended daily consumption raw nuts and seeds such as almonds, unsalted peanuts, cashews, macadamia nuts, etc.. Eat them raw form and only in small amounts (at gral. No more than 10 nuts in one hour)
Day 05:
Take back 45 minutes of gentle exercise, increase the pace a bit. It's about changing your metabolism, blood sugar levels and insulin response. As you exercise, your body chemistry is transformed.
Day 06:
Detnega all sugars added, in all its forms and types, granulated sugar, cane sugar, sucrose, corn syrup, etc.. Read the nutrition labels that appear on the packaging and avoid any products containing refined sugars of any kind.
Day 07:
Start eating whole grains: wheat bread (black bread), brown rice and whole grain breakfast as ground oats, whole grain mix, etc.. Caution: the bread is not bread crumbs, as it is a white bread with a few additives such as fiber and caramel coloring.
Day 08:
Now increase your exercise to 60 minutes. When possible, exercise outdoors to receive sunlight on your skin. This will produce vitamin D, which help stabilize blood sugar levels and prevent the progression of diabetes.
Day 09:
From today stop all consumption artifiaciales sweeteners (saccharin, liquid sweeteners, etc..) Begin to remove the fatal craving for everything sweet.
Day 10:
Start consuming natural supplements with essential vitamins and minerals regularly. Including calcium, magnesium, zinc, vitamins of group B, especially vitamin C, and vitamin E in all its natural forms.
Day 11:
Start some kind of resistance exercise, start with Pilates, you can use mancuerdas and a training video or attend a gym once a week. This will change the way your body uses sugar and increase insulin sensitivity. Metablismo and also increase its blood flow and oxygen to all tissues of the body.
Day 12:
Make this day the beginning of the end of the caffeine or coffee in your life. Caffeine causes the gliciemia desiquilibrios and hormonal disorders. Start today to reduce their consumption. Complete recovery from addiction to caffeine before 25. Try to delete it in slowly to avoid headaches and migraines.
Day 13:
Stop the consumption of all hydrogenated oils. These oils on processed promote and accelerate cardiovascular disease avence diabetes. Look at food labels for the presence of trans fats or partially hydrogenated oils or complete and margarines. These almost always have these types of oil.
Day 14:
From now on, start your cardio every 3 days. Exercise at least 1 hour, work to improve cardiovascular function with each session.
Day 15:
Start taking fiber supplements on a regular basis, such as psyllium seed husk. Increase fiber intake will reduce the rate of conversion of dietary carbohydrates on blood sugar, which will help stabilize levels. It will also help clean your large intestine.
Day 16:
Learn about the Glycemic Index (GI). You can read the book "The Glycemic Index Diet" Glycemic Index or download online. Learn about GI values and avoid products with high rates. Always eat fruits raw in its original form, never in juices.
Day 17:
From today eat more fruits and raw vegetables. Although fruits contain its own sugar, diabetics can eat them if they do it in moderation. The best fruits in terms of nutrition is the type strawberry (especially blueberries). As for vegetables, eat them raw or fried (do not overcook). Do not eat vegetables or fruits that have been processed, especially canned.
Day 18:
Start taking better known as Gymnema sylvestre Gumarbooti or Gurmar. Clinical tests show that this herb restores the ability of insulin producing beta cells in the pancreas. The heirba is considered quite safe to consume regularly.
Day 19:
Change of habit and turn to their only drink water. Stop taking tea, juice, milk and other beverages. Only drink water. The cheapest way to do it, is to buy a water filter for your kitchen. From the perspective of health, the better is the pure water side.
Day 20:
CeciĆ³rese for yourself: Do you still performed every 3 days cardio? Does some form of resistance exercise once a week? Have you been away from the flour, sugar, soda and hydrogenated acietes? Are you still tomanado their supplements and essential fatty acids? Use this day to review your progress and make any necessary correction.
Day 21:
Start taking daily supelementos concentrated food made from food grains, not on isolated chemicals. One excellent option is any protein supplement containing natural food ingredients in powder form that you can prepare a smoothie.
Day 22:
Stop consuming all fried foods, can cause cancer and damage your pancreas and liver, worsening diabetes.
Day 23:
Strictly limited in consumption of saturated fats from animal sources. The fats found in meats, cheeses, and other dairy products, ocacionan havoc in diabetes. Start earning fat plant sources like avocados, nuts, extra virgin olive oil, etc.
Day 24:
Meet exotic grains. Try products made with buckwheat the best grain for diabetics because it has a relatively low glycemic index or a whole grain quinoa exceptional Inca origin.
Also, kamut, millet, spelled, and oats ground.
Day 25:
Get a medical opinion of your current health condition as it is being radically changed. Your doctor may withdraw drugs or suggest that drastically decrease insulin dosage. You can even tell it no longer requires more.
You clearly have two options. You can keep doing things the way they always have done, consume the same products, avoiding exercise, caffeine poisoning, etc. - Or you can do something different in his life: "If you want results that differ from those you has experienced so far, requires something different.