
What to eat before and after training

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Before exercise weights
 what to eat before and after training
Take 3 to 5 grams of Arginine 1 hour before exercise can increase the amount of blood reaching the muscles. This way the muscles are constantly being supplied by all amino acids and glucose needed to undertake the effort. Many magazines say that glutamine is a supplement to use during this time, but according to my research this is not absolutely necessary or a supplement is 100% tested.

30 minutes before exercise is necessary to take slow digestion of complex carbohydrates to give you energy during your workout. These can be obtained from the various natural foods. Besides this, 20 grams Whey Protein (whey) protein synthesis provided, which is absolutely necessary to create muscle growth. Here many speak of creatine, which has good results but not absolutely necessary. If you want to use, 3-5 grams of half an hour earlier will suffice, as will your muscles with this constant energy.

After exercise weights

At the end of your workout, you absolutely must get the protein and amino acids necessary for muscle repair. Many believe that leucine is necessary to initiate protein synthesis. If you are just beginning or have relatively short time, then a protein shake (30-40 grams) is sufficient because the supplements generally good quality protein and essential amino acids are leucine. It is the view that all you have to make is the protein, however by combining this with 50-60 grams of fast-digesting carbohydrates (sugars), it succeeds in creating an insulin spike, which is responsible for carrying these amino acids and nutrients to the muscles. Very important: check with your doctor if you have diabetes as this can have serious consequences for people who suffer from this condition.

Before aerobic exercise (cardio)

Half an hour before aerobic exercise is good to consume caffeine. From 200 to 300 grams will be more than enough if you are looking to burn fat. This is because it has been shown that caffeine causes the body to utilize more energy in adipose (fat) instead of obtaining the glucose derived from carbohydrates. In addition, caffeine reduces muscle pain during exercise, so you can continue exercising longer.

10 to 15 minutes before exercise is a good idea to take amino acids because this allows to maintain muscle mass, in addition to allowing the body to maintain optimal function longer. From 6 to 10 grams of amino acids will suffice. Since these pills are not as common, you can also eat about 10 grams of Whey protein quality as these also contain essential amino acids.

After aerobic exercise

It is recommended that the end of the year immediately ingested about 20 grams of Whey protein, combined with 40 to 80 grams of fast-digesting carbohydrates (sugars). Thus muscle fibers are retrieved, besides sugars that enable quick recovery of glucose, which is indispensable for improving the metabolic performance.
