
Ideal Sleep Position

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The following guide helps us to improve our sleeping position and thus prevent pain.
Correctly choose our sleeping position not only prevents body aches but also can reduce and even eliminate chronic pain. In general, all joints of the body can trigger pain if you use poor posture overnight. But are the neck, back and shoulders prone areas. Who has not woken up with a stiff neck ever?. In theory we should sleep eight hours to get a restful sleep. If during this time we subject our body to poor posture, joints wear and pain inevitably appear.
Ideal sleep position
Before going to the position itself, it is necessary to check the mattress and pillows. We did not take anything with good posture inadequate in the mattress. It must be harder than soft, to properly align our spine. The choice of the pillow is more difficult because much depends on the person. There are those who must use a higher and others who simply do not use. It is advisable to use an intermediate. The density can vary, it is important that one is comfortable. For some time now, which came on the market the type "viscoelastic foam" or "memory" which have the particularity that deform to support your head and can accommodate different forms. I use this type and fits me quite. That if it took me a while to accept it at first was very hard, but it was only a matter of time.

When we have the right pillow and mattress right is important to check our position. Are you aware of the position adopted by sleeping?. When sleep overcomes them, are accommodated before? or generally sleep overcomes usually watching TV and not remembering how they fell asleep. These questions are important when it comes to sleep. While much changed overnight position, we must choose the right at least to start. When you notice that they are about to fall asleep should be arranged to start the rich and awaited dream. That is, take the pillows and cushions and clearing leftover bed.

With this scenario we can take sleeping position. Ideally, sleeping on your side or as they say in the lateral position technically. Even better with a pillow between your knees. This position properly aligns our column and avoid overload. The pillow between the legs helps better align the hips. Avoid sleeping on your stomach and the neck remains rotated all the time. This rotation overload structures maintained on the other hand, completely loses the balance of our column. Eventually we could sleep on his back, but we have to worry about putting a pillow under your knees or similar. Otherwise lumbar load increase, especially in those with lordosis (increased lumbar curve).

In short the ideal sleeping position is on your side and waited before starting our night's rest is necessary to invite the body to good rest. Avoid items that are left on the bed and choose the right ones are part of good sleep. Good night!
