Symptoms of voiding symptoms:
• Painful urination (Disluira).
• Frequent urge to urinate (frequency)
• Urge to urinate
• Itching or burning during or after stool.
• Pain in the lower abdomen).
Possible causes of voiding symptoms:
Inflammation anywhere in the urinary tract which may be infectious or not. Infectious causes can carry certain names such as those listed below.
Cystitis: Inflammation of the bladder.
Urethritis: inflammation of the urethra.
Prostatitis: inflammation of the prostate
Orchitis: Inflammation of the testicles
Pyelonephritis: renal tissue inflammation.
Vulvo-vaginitis-inflammation of the vulva and / or vagina.
Noninfectious causes:
Emotional causes: excessive anxiety, stress or depression.
Frequent urination at night is due to fluid retention. If you have swollen ankles or legs at night this release retained liquid and you'll be more willing to go pee.
Chemical irritants such as alkaline soaps, or shower gel, deodorant unsuitable, intimate apparel made from synthetic fibers, etc..
Estrogen deficiency (which can happen in postmenopause)
The use of certain drugs or medications such as sulfa drugs.
Bladder cancer.
Natural Remedies
Diet: If you suffer from this problem the first thing to do is change your diet, avoid anything that is irritating as vinegar, chiles, coffee, chocolate, etc.., And cow's milk and all derivatives, as well as meals and refined sugars. Avoid red meat and sausages, and no junk food. Every morning you start drinking ponytail with a squeeze of lemon before breakfast, and breakfast either papaya, pineapple or mango. At noon you can elaborarte a vegetarian sandwich. At lunch and dinner should predominate steamed vegetables with grilled chicken or fish (only a portion of one day). Shot at night a young garlic clove with a glass of warm water, and includes in your daily diet a2 tablespoons olive oil extra virgin, fresh vegetable juices especially carrot, fresh ginger (a piece a day to bite )
In case of infection, it is important that you review the emotional, depressed or if these things are often irritate this lowers the body's defenses and predisposes to all sorts of diseases and infections. If you feel irritated or angry often, about releasing your anger and do not keep things, try not to talk to others of what bothers you if you feel angry, it is best to vent our feelings, to understand a way of fix it and then treat it with the person.
Avoid wearing genital area creams, gels or irritating soaps, soaps best are made with 100% natural products like honey soap, aloe, etc..
Drink plenty of water during the day but avoid drinking water one hour before bedtime, nor dine with tea or coffee are diuretics.
Avoid taking medications, there are always natural remedies that can help fight infections and troubleshooting. Garlic, for example, is a powerful antibiotic that surpasses many conventional antibiotics, if you really like garlic patient not only helps you to heal but your immune system will be strengthened. The use of fresh ginger other hand, is an excellent inflammatory, help reduce inflammation in addition to repair damaged tissue.