
Pollen and its action in favor of prostatitis

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pollenWhen pollen is not only recognized properties for anemia, liver tonic or appetite, but is also a powerful ally in the prostate health, according to medical studies of German.

This is good news for men, because at present one in three suffers from inflammation of the prostate, also called prostatitis, a condition that usually presents with severe pain in the genital area and surrounding areas.

Heals and prevents
The imagery in this food looks native flowers, a wonderful resource for healing, especially when inflammation of the prostate is initial. In this phase very gratifying results have been reported where the patient improves dramatically, healthy and not resubmitted inflammations, taking pollen daily way of prevention.

This research was performed by urologists, Alken, Jonson, in 172 men with prostatitis. Some were given pollen for a considerable time. Most who showed relief and continued using it showed no relapses. This was that prostatitis can be treated with frequent doses of pollen.

Multiple Pollen vitamins
This food has the consistency of a polvito yellow finely extracted from flowers, even well known is that the worker bees also make use of it, between its components are vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K., also have minerals, carbohydrates, amino acids and lecithin, potassium, magnesium, silicon, phosphorous, enzymes, and carotene.

Confirming the magnificent powers of pollen for prostate, in recent years, Dr. Ask-Upmark, pollen treated with 12 men with prostatitis. Everyone took a dose of five tablets daily as first food in the mornings. The pollen was consumed Cernelle, obtained from plants cultivated by man with particularly good pollen harvested by a giant vacuum cleaner. Of the 12, only two were not successful, whilst the other 10 improved substantially.

If you have pain in the genital area, it is best to consult a specialist, because if not addressed promptly prostatitis can become chronic and cause you other symptoms like fever, retention of urine, painful urination and even submit secretions yellowish white of the urethra. Do not think though symptoms diminish any moment, without any treatment, the problem is over, it often happens that the disease can progress and decrease in pain intensity.

Other properties of Pollen
Pollen in turn is used today to combat other diseases in the body such as anemia, because it increases the hemoglobin level and the number of red cells in the blood.

Improves skin, promotes healing, and accelerates tissue repair.

In turn, regulates the functioning of the liver.

Stimulates appetite, fights fatigue, slows hair loss, there are cases where its consumption has improved potency. It is advisable also for depression, eyestrain and rheumatism.
