
The use of cellular detoxification

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cellular detoxificationThere are many benefits that a patient gets through cellular detoxification, in which you can have an easier circulation, proper cleansing of the liver.

For patients with diabetes, contributes to decreasing the levels of blood glucose, and promoting weight loss and removal of fat deposits. The detoxification methods are varied, and may be using herbs, vitamins, using hydrotherapy, colonics.

Cellular Regeneration "BEFE".

This cellular detoxification system comprises a power supply and a computer ionizer. The latter gets into the warm water with a few grams of sea salt and then enter the patient's feet. This discharge water will generate positive and negative ions. By a process known as osmosis, oppositely charged particles are extracted from the body due to the electromagnetic field generated by this discharge and combinations thereof.

The application of the method "BEFE".

Cellular detoxification therapy is quite easy to carry out, because we only need a small plastic container and spacious enough to hold your feet properly. Interestingly, the effect of the water running through our bodies that are not necessary to cover a lot of surface water body. The system "BEFE" reach any place where water is present.

Therapy "BEFE" apply not only the patients with diseases, healthy people also come to this therapy to find wellness and revitalize their bodies. Some who have pain or joint deterioration has improved with sessions conducted with this system.

This is a safe therapy that entails no side effects and is not toxic, helping, for example, rapid healing. Other people have benefited because they have been successful with arthritis. You can also see beneficial changes in burns, muscle damage, headaches and menstrual disorders.

Changes in the body.

Many times people who come to this type of cellular detoxification, do to lower in stress level or because they are under the effect of many medications that can affect the proper functioning of our body. In these cases it is good to do two sessions a week, half an hour each. The patient quickly feel the changes in your body, because it is lightweight and clears the mind.

Moreover, not only adults can go to these therapies. Also children over seven years it can perform. It is recommended by experts as sessions less than ten minutes. With two of them can improve the health of children.

During the process of cellular detoxification, cells will drop its toxicity when downloads come through your pores. What happens is that eventually leaves the vessel intoxication, and the water becomes dark.

As for the benefits obtained for daily living, we have two important higher concentration, and increased perception. People who drive accelerated rates can opt for this type of therapy, and there will be a higher performance in the workplace.
