
Alert gastroenteritis

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Alert gastroenteritis!
Diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea ... Gastroenteritis is invited every year for the holiday season. But how do you not see his winter marred by these infections? All solutions with Doctissimo.

As punctual as Santa, virus gastroenteritis calls during the last week of December and continues to occur until mid-January. To fight against this unwanted pest, only one solution: a perfect hygiene.
Gastroenteritis is invited for the holidays!
As in most European countries, France has periodically suffered a winter epidemic of acute gastroenteritis. According to the Sentinel network responsible for epidemic surveillance, these infections every winter for over a million consultations in general practice.
As every year, the peak is expected for the first two weeks of January. Warning, these infections can be dangerous for the frail.
Not always benign infection
Gastroenteritis is most often caused by a virus rotavirus. But sometimes it can be bacteria such as salmonella, for example. It causes diarrhea and vomiting for 2-3 days in most patients and is very unpleasant but harmless to most of us. It also involves headaches, body aches, fever and fatigue.
Beware though the elderly and most vulnerable children! It can cause them severe dehydration in just a day of diarrhea. We annually around 600 deaths related to an intestinal infection, especially at extreme ages (under 5 and over 75 years).
How to fight against gastroenteritis?
We get gastroenteritis from eating contaminated food or drinking contaminated water but also by direct contact with patients. Thus, to avoid being infected, no mystery! You will need:
   Ensure the hygiene of hands and surfaces. Wash hands with soap more often and as thoroughly as possible, do not share glasses of water or covered table ...
   Attention to the preparation of meals. When preparing meals (especially community), strict hygiene (hand washing, ports disposable gloves) must be respected. Sick people should obviously not participate in the preparation of meals.
   Two vaccines are available. In 2006, two vaccines have been put on the market in France. Their effectiveness has been demonstrated against the most common strains in Europe and the United States. Seized on the possibility of mass vaccination, the Public Health Council decided to postpone for the moment the recommendation for infants less than 6 months due to the current cost of the vaccine (about 150 euros).
   The rehydration salts. These compounds are the best prevention of complications of diarrhea. Allowing early rehydration, these products are reimbursed by social security.
Those already ill should of course take all these precautions. A sick mother to take care Wash hands always before touching her children and cooking. She also limit contact to a minimum. For infants, the slightest concern on file the doctor or emergency room. Among children and older persons care is taken to make them drink a lot of water or special rehydration solution sold in pharmacies. And if it is you who are sick you are not excused from your spa water. Plenty of rest and time will overcome this little bad winter
