
Nutrition Intestinal Problems

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nutrition intestinal problemsWhen suffering from intestinal problems either colitis, diverticulosis, constipation, gas and indigestion, you should be very attentive to what you eat, because there follows that the discomfort gets worse, or that help the intestine to do its job more easily. Among the foods that are recommended in these cases, which are noted below:

The milk prepared as dried dates, are a good source of nutrients, remove the husks and eat only date or prepare it pulp pulp blending this date in a little water and drink as milk.

• Grapes, well blended and cast are excellent food for the colon. Prepare natural grape juice in blender put about two cups of grapes, add water and strain to remove the skins and seeds. He drinks immediately.

• The whey is also a good food. In nutrition stores can be purchased with the English name of Whey and take one tablespoon three times a day dissolved in water.

• To eliminate the problem of excessive intestinal gas, taken with each meal, two or three tablets of activated charcoal. Remember to avoid eating vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, onions, brussels sprouts, producing gases and prefers carrots, spinach, and green leafy vegetables.

• Instead of bread made with white flour, prefer eating whole grains like rice, corn, millet, rye, barley, wheat, etc..

• The ground wheat is a good food to the intestine. Soak overnight, half cup of wheat in two cups of boiling water. Morning can be eaten as breakfast cereal fruit together.

• An excellent food to help the colon in office, is the beets which favor the liver and gallbladder. It can be grated raw in salad or cooked sliced ​​with a little yogurt.

• The fresh leaves of dandelion are excellent aids liver and colon. Add them fresh on your salad or drink them in tea, boiling the root or the leaves in a cup of water.

• Flaxseed are very good for bowel function. Soak overnight a quarter cup of these seeds in hot water. In the morning drink the water yet and seeds. If constipation, dry milled seeds prior to soaking.

• The flaxseed meal prepared in this way, is one of the best remedies for constipation. Take one or two teaspoons of this flour dissolved in water or juice. It acts as a laxative, stool softener and intestinal lubricant. They also increase bowel movements without laxatives.

• Figs are an excellent fruit for colon diets for its high content of digestive enzymes.

• Among the aids that can be taken as remedies to help the functioning of the intestine, is the liquid chlorophyll that can be dissolved in a little water or as alfalfa tablets. Detoxifies the colon.

Massage for the colon:

To perform a massage to help activate colon, rub the abdomen with a little olive oil with an orange warm and massage in a circular applies to mean clockwise.
