
Caring for the skin with food aid

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piel have started with our special to achieve a fit body by the summer and today we care of our skin that suffers both in the sun, water and air. So today we tell you how food can help to care for the skin.
Nurturing our skin
The skin is the largest organ in our body that owns, is our contact with the outside world and not only protects us against external agents to function as a barrier, but also presents, as the skin can tell a lot about us. Why should we care about your health and beauty and today we give you some tips to nourish it with wisdom.

There are many nutrients that can nourish our skin properly and among them we find the water, as a source of hydration that helps keep skin less dry and smoother, with better circulation, more oxygen and allow fluids nourished because the arrival feeding substance to the skin.
Besides the essential water, our skin is favored to nutrient intake with antioxidant, such as vitamin C and E, the first helps heal wounds and helps you collagen synthesis, and the second helps us to have a skin smooth, soft and less aging, because both nutrients neutralize the effect of oxygen free radicals or what is the same, the oxidative stress that can be accentuated with extreme temperatures, poor diet or sun exposure.

In addition, vitamin A is an essential nutrient for the care of our skin, it contributes to the maintenance of the same and mucous, has antioxidant and also helps us to get a good tan without risking your health.
Something similar happens with the precursors of vitamin A and carotenoids are also help to get a good tone in our skin, prevent aging and protect it in the sun.
We can not forget selenium, another potent antioxidant function nor omega-3 fatty acids which maintain the hydration of the skin and also avoids the negative effect of oxidative stress on the same reducing the possibility of cell damage.
What foods to eat for skin care
Based on all the above, we can list a number of foods that are very important for skin care using diet while we take a sexy tan safely:
Bluefish: foods such as sardines, tuna, tuna, anchovies and salmon are high in omega 3 and thereby contribute to the care of our skin.
Fruits and vegetables: they have high water in its composition and therefore contribute to good hydration, but in some cases we also offer a lot of vitamin C such as cabbage, peppers, broccoli, oranges, strawberries lemon.

Green vegetables: kale, spinach, broccoli, turnip greens and watercress are sources of carotenoids with antioxidant and also allow to get a good tone sun exposure without neglecting the health of the skin
Nuts and seeds contain vitamin E, omega 3 and selenium, all good nutrients to feed our skin wisely
Juices: have variety of nutrients including vitamin C can be highlighted and A but also are a source of water that the skin needs to be well nourished and beautiful.
In addition to these foods that help care for our skin to look beautiful and healthy, it is important to consider some habits that do not cooperate with it, for example smoking and age our skin becomes dull while adding oxygen free radicals.
We must also avoid excessive alcohol can dehydrate our skin and while a good diet protects and beautifies us, we should not expose ourselves to the sun in times of higher intensity radiation.
Some other foods that are helpful for their skin, our largest organ and the one that shines in our presence, so at this time of year we can not include them in our diet for health and a tan to look a attractive dark for the summer.
