
How to treat acne naturally

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Acne is a skin rash with bumps shaped white tip that usually appears at puberty, but also not rare appearance in adulthood. The causes of acne have been attributed to the hormonal changes of aging, to factors such as stress and causes a lot more, but just as many factors are involved originally also treat modes are varied.

The natural way to treat acne, is aimed to find the overall health of body and recommends observing a healthy diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables and limiting animal products, especially meat and fatty foods, and foods where fat is present.

It also recommends a healthy lifestyle where outdoor exercise is practiced regularly and cleaning the face or affected parties is constant.

Why Cleanse?

Acne, like many diseases arises from the difficulty experienced by the body to dispose of large quantities of toxic substances are accumulated and have not been able to leave through the intestine or kidneys.

To cleanse the blood of toxins and morbid matter, the body seeks to dispose otherwise and found through the skin as pimples containing pus and in extreme cases are true pustules.

So the initial treatment of acne will help the bowel to evacuate their waste regularly, getting enough water and taking care that no constipation. With no daily evacuation should take a mild laxative to prevent toxic waste build up in the colon.

Acne treatment will continue to follow these steps:

1. Take care that no constipation
2. Cleaning the face twice a day with mild soap. Do not pinch the skin as the infection worsens.
3. Eight hours of sleep
4. Exercising
5. Which favors eating fruit consumption
6. Avoid fatty and sugary foods

Natural Laxatives

Among natural laxatives are several products that are effective against most persistent constipation.

- Steaming five or six prunes and eat them before bed.

- Boil a handful of tamarind pods, once smooth and cold, put through the blender with water when boiled. Strain and drink the resulting liquid sweetened with a little honey twice daily.

- Take a tablespoon of olive oil twice a day, preferably on an empty stomach and at bedtime. It can be mixed with a little orange or lemon juice.

- Take one capsule of castor oil. Opens a gelatin capsule was inserted and a few drops of castor oil. One capsule taken before meals.

Local Auxiliary

In areas where acne is located, you can put a cotton swab with a drop of lavender oil. Lavender has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It is also astringent.

Applying honey is an invaluable aid for acne. On a clean face, apply a thin layer of honey and let it sit for a few minutes. Rinse with warm water and let the skin breathe. Honey is antibacterial and antiinflammatory.

Rose Water

In a spray bottle pour rose water and apply on the skin as a spray. Calm the eruption and has antibacterial properties. The tea tree oil (tea tree oil) applied on pimples off and fight the infection.

Sodium bicarbonate, applied as a paste with a little water on buds, off and calm.

Chamomile has anti-inflammatory properties very powerful, prepare a tea with chamomile flowers and apply warm compresses to the skin.
