
The child and vaccines

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fotoAt present it is well known and accepted by most vaccines are necessary and essential to prevent disease in children.

Previously it was considered that the best thing that could happen to the children is that diseases give them remain small, even spoke of diseases of childhood, this was far from desirable. Since many of these diseases are life threatening or can leave lifelong sequelae.

Understand the above it is clear that if we (parents and physicians) health of our children we must take action to avoid diseases.

Mexico has worked hard to achieve national coverage, making for some conditions when more than 95% of vaccinated children which is much higher even than in countries like USA.

But much remains to be done. The National Vaccination has significant delay as the availability of existing vaccines in the world and even in our country. In the private sector pediatricians have tried to keep our patients a day, knowing that the main limiting factor is economic.

The IMSS, has taken a big step to changing your derechoabientes immunization record, including pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, oral rotavirus vaccine for the first time and changing the traditional pentavalent pentavalent acellular (less risk of vaccine reaction and better response of the organism) If however I detect disinformation by staff responsible for apply (pneumococcus and rotavirus mainly because the constantly deny invalid arguments and strictly adhere to the implementation dates expressed in the book, this being only the reminder that are ages ideals. Regarding pneumococcal recommend vaccinating all children under 9 years, as follows ... if they are between 2 and 9 years a single dose, 1 to two years two doses, six to 12 months and less than three doses four doses six months. IMSS has provided up to three doses which is not correct. Hopefully well be amended to their little patients.

Yes, it is very important step taken by the IMSS. It remains to extend it to other health institutions, as well as complement the primer including her chickenpox vaccine, hepatitis "A", Human Papilloma Virus (responsible for cancer of the womb) recommended it for nine years of age, influenza (flu malignant) etc.

We are on track, but I think we should move faster to be a healthier nation.
