You can determine some psychological profiles of these behaviors and if we know, we can learn to control them better to avoid overeating.
In all honesty and heart in hand, analyze your eating and try to find out what mood characterizes him, to discover which can be your motivation for eating.
The pessimist usually has low self-esteem, feeling that food is your best friend. It has a pessimistic view of the future, is depressed after eating. You often feel bored, tired or sad and is reactivated and feel more energy through food.
Controlling pessimism:
Try to change those ideas that perfectionism led you to take as absolute truths: Nobody's perfect, you may make mistakes, everyone does not have to love you, not outside needs antepongas your own. You can not always control everything that happens around you. If you eat some carbs, do it without guilt, but aware that is exceptional. Add to your life pleasant activities, exercise, practice a hobby, join a social group, etc..
A stressed person always seems nervous and unable to relax. Search in food encalma space. Usually eat too fast or eat standing. The more stressed you feel, the amount of food you eat. Are people fearful or apprehensive.
Managing stress:
Try not to worry all the time about everything that happens. Find a time each day to write your concerns and finding some kind of solution. Avoid skipping meals so you do not feel that you have low blood sugar, which causes food cravings. Do not smoke and avoid caffeine and alcohol.
Hedonism (pursuit of pleasure for pleasure's sake)
The hedonistic people, eat slowly and delight, remembers exactly what you eat, never eat before his time and waiting for the right time to do it. He likes to talk about food. She loves to dine out. Do not eat anything but appetizing and tasty. Eat fatty foods and sweets. He prefers the quality and quantity.
How to control:
Hike outdoors and their outputs are not favorite to restaurants. If you want to eat tasty, learn to prepare their own meals with natural products. Try to reduce your fat and sugar. Add to your life pleasurable activities.
Impulsive people unwittingly eat and do too fast. Perform simultaneous activities while eating. "Sting" between meals or eat with your fingers. They do not remember what they have eaten during the day.
How to control:
Eat at the same times. Concentrate only on eating, not watch TV, do not read, did not attend the phone while eating. Eat slowly. Write down everything you eat during the day. Always eat at the same place on your table. Avoid promoting foods available to be eating every day. Always eat with cutlery.
People who evade, use food to forget and escape problems (although they do not succeed). A know nothing say no. Do not know how to identify their own feelings. Put the needs of others before their own. They eat anywhere and often do stand. The more you have problems, increase the amount of food they eat.
How to control:
Learn to express your feelings honestly and calmly. No ironice. Openly ask what you want. Do not drink alcohol before or during meals because to eat even more uninhibited. Write down under what is emotion while eating: for example, "I am angry," "I'm in a hurry", "I'm nervous", etc..