
Lack of Nutrients: Root of Depression

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lack of nutrients root of depressionThe popular adage "you are what you eat", once again confirms validity when scientifically demonstrated that diet is strongly linked to depression. But, even in people who are depressed, your diet can negatively affect estarles is also possible to treat it by natural methods.

Scientific studies to which we refer, were carried out at the University of Oxford, reviewing the symptoms of depression in adults and observing the relationship between diet and disease carrying people in eleven different groups. Monitoring to determine the relationship, was for thirteen years, meeting all the requirements to support its validity.

The final finding of the study showed that there is an inverse relationship between the risk of depression and lack of folate, omega-3 fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids, olive oil, fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes. These results indicate that the type of diet and nutrition which leads, influences the risk of developing depression.

Evidence of the relationship between the type of diet and depression, was well demonstrated and calls into question the traditional clinical treatment of this disorder treated with chemical drugs.

When scientists talk about "brain chemical imbalance" to explain depression, the logical step would be to provide nutrients to the brain is needed, however chemical drugs are prescribed. Unfortunately from the current medical standpoint, not depressed patient asks to change your diet and change for a healthier way of eating and natural, and warns him not processed and artificial food only increases the incidence of depression.

Foods in their natural state contain all nutrients intact and have no hazardous additives, unlike processed foods that are loaded with additives such as colorings, flavorings, preservatives and lack nutritional value.

It is this lack of nutrients that scientists think, is the root cause of depression. The question is, if you know that nutrients like magnesium, essential fatty acids and B vitamins help to create neurotransmitters, and also that the lack of these nutrients causes a chemical imbalance in the brain, why not prescribe nutritional treatment for depressed patients, and avoid taking synthetic chemicals?

Is it because the drug companies would cease to earn millions at dollars from the sale of their products, and the worst thing for these laboratories, patients would be cured?

Diets were prescribed to patients involved in these studies were based on whole grains, fruits, vegetables and fish more seeds and nuts as opposed to a diet consisting of meats, grains and fast foods.
