
A healthy and balanced diet

A balanced diet is a cornerstone of our health. Good nutrition is a prerequisite for a physical, mental and social framework.

Feeding in the first years of life is very important for several reasons. First, because children that eat a healthy and balanced have adequate physical and intellectual development. Secondly, because in these early years acquired many habits and routines, including power, who will accompany us the rest of our lives.

What do we mean by a healthy and balanced diet?
It is one that incorporates the various nutrients and food groups in appropriate amounts and frequencies according to the needs of each person in different evolutionary stages. The first key to a healthy and balanced diet is that children eat everything.

After two years, already passed the period of introduction of foods children should eat a diverse diet that includes different types of foods that will provide all the necessary nutrients for normal development.

How food nutrients are classified?
Depending on the types of foods contain nutrients that are divided into two groups: those with macronutrients-carbohydrates, proteins and fats, and micronutrients are vitamins and minerals.

What nutrients are important for health?
None. All nutrients are important but have different functions. Some foods have a plastic function, because they help build the framework of our body and form tissues of the muscles, through good quality protein and minerals, especially calcium.

Other foods have an energy function, providing enough calories to develop our daily activities, through carbohydrates and fats.

What foods are those nutrients?
Then collect some foods that contain a high content of these nutrients:
Proteins: found in milk and dairy products, chicken, pork, beef, lamb and rabbit meat processed (sausages, sausages, sausages), eggs, fatty fish (mackerel, anchovies, tuna) and lean (whiting, sole, hake ), legumes (peas, beans, lentils), nuts (walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts), cereals (wheat, rice, maize), potatoes, carrots, green beans, peas, peppers, tomatoes.
Carbohydrates: found in rice, bread, pasta, potatoes, vegetables, sugar, jam, honey, fruit and sweets in general
Fats are found in oils (olive, sunflower), nuts (walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts and peanuts, avocado.
Minerals: three minerals particularly important in the diet are calcium, iron and iodine. Calcium is found in dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt, smoothies, desserts in general) and fish (anchovies, sardines canned, etc.), The iron in the liver, kidneys, beef, egg yolks, shellfish (mussel), legumes, nuts, raisins, prunes and breakfast cereals, and iodine in marine fish and iodized salt.
Vitamins found in vegetables (carrot, red and green pepper, tomato, cauliflower, cabbage), fruits (orange, kiwi, strawberry, strawberry, apricot, peach, pear, apple, melon) varied meats and fish, eggs and products dairy.

How are the necessary nutrients?
Following the recommendations of nutrition experts, and considering that a healthy and balanced diet should include:
Carbohydrates: between 50 and 60% of the total calories of the diet
Proteins: between 12 and 15% of the total calories of the diet
Fat: between 25 and 30% of the total calories of the diet
We have tables that establish the necessary nutrients for each child according to their age. Obviously, these tables provide a general recommendation, which serves as the basis for all children. Parents must make an adjustment to the needs of your child, considering its growth needs and the activities throughout the day. The NAOS Pyramid (see attached) provides guidance on how many times a week should be consumed each food.

Many children are eating at school. In these cases, try to adapt what is offered at home receiving the diet at school, so that children eat a varied and balanced.

How many times a day are you eating?
It is recommended to eat four times a day: breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner. The amount of nutrients that should be included in each of them is different:

Breakfast: should cover at least 25 percent of the nutritional needs of children. The dream early in the morning or the rush to go to school often makes children eat breakfast improperly, and that then affects school performance. Breakfast should include: a dairy (milk, yogurt, cheese by any mode, avoiding high fat); bread, toast, cereals, cookies, muffins or biscuits, fruit or juice (any variety), jam or honey , a supplement fat (olive oil, butter, margarine ...) and sometimes ham or a type of stiff. By midmorning reinforcement can be taken as a fruit, a yogurt or a sandwich with cheese, especially if the child has a good breakfast early.

Lunch: should cover between 35 and 40 percent of the daily nutritional needs. Food should be sufficiently varied to incorporate different food groups, and the dessert first choice should include fruit. NAOS strategy proposes the following distribution of food in the food:
Seafood: 3-4 servings a week.
Lean meats: 3-4 servings a week.
Eggs: 3-4 servings a week.
Vegetables: 2-4 servings a week.
Nuts: 3 to 7 servings a week.
Milk, yogurt, cheese: 2-4 servings per day.
Olive oil: 3-6 servings per day.
Vegetables: more than 2 servings per day.
Fruits: more than 3 servings per day.
Bread, grains, rice, pasta, potatoes: 4-6 servings per day.
Water: 4-8 servings daily.

Snack: excessive and should not be taken too late to prevent children lose their appetite for dinner. We recommend including a sweet food, fruit, a dairy or a sandwich with cheese, charcuterie or classic bread and chocolate.

Dinner should provide about 30 percent of daily energy. Efforts should be made early dinner to avoid the vicinity at the time of sleep prevents children sleep well. We suggest including foods that have not been taken in the other meals of the day. Dinner can include fish, omelets, ham croquettes and preceded by a soup and complemented by a fruit and a dairy.

What nutrients are most important?
Depending on the types of foods contain nutrients that are divided into two groups: those with macronutrients-carbohydrates, proteins and fats, and micronutrients are vitamins and minerals.

All nutrients are important but have different functions. Some foods have a plastic function, because they help build the framework of our body and form tissues of the muscles, through good quality protein and minerals, especially calcium.

Other foods have an energy function, providing enough calories to develop our daily activities, through carbohydrates and fats.

What foods are those nutrients?
Then collect some foods that contain a high content of these nutrients:
Proteins: found in milk and dairy products, chicken, pork, beef, lamb and rabbit meat processed (sausages, sausages, sausages), eggs, fatty fish (mackerel, anchovies, tuna) and lean (whiting, sole, hake ), legumes (peas, beans, lentils), nuts (walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts), cereals (wheat, rice, maize), potatoes, carrots, green beans, peas, peppers, tomatoes.
Carbohydrates: found in rice, bread, pasta, potatoes, vegetables, sugar, jam, honey, fruit and sweets in general
Fats are found in oils (olive, sunflower), nuts (walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts and peanuts, avocado.
Minerals: three minerals particularly important in the diet are calcium, iron and iodine. Calcium is found in dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt, smoothies, desserts in general) and fish (anchovies, sardines canned, etc.), The iron in the liver, kidneys, beef, egg yolks, shellfish (mussel), legumes, nuts, raisins, prunes and breakfast cereals, and iodine in marine fish and iodized salt.
Vitamins found in vegetables (carrot, red and green pepper, tomato, cauliflower, cabbage), fruits (orange, kiwi, strawberry, strawberry, apricot, peach, pear, apple, melon) varied meats and fish, eggs and products dairy....
ReadmoreA healthy and balanced diet

Diet to rejuvenate

Diet to rejuvenateWhen we say that a healthy balanced diet can not only rejuvenate skin that has better hydration and composition but because it helps us feel good emotionally, to have more vitality and therefore rejuvenates us.
Cosmocéutica theory says that before losing weight, you should start a program in which you combine certain foods with anti-aging products. Thus, the result is a thin ... and healthy body.

We tell lies: slimming has become the main feature of the diets from the svelte figures were declared the only accepted stereotype of beauty. The restrictions are such that sometimes in pursuit of thinness, many women damage their health, and to show passing overweight have a weak body and look really grim.

Fortunately, they are now more subject specialists-doctors, nutritionists, surgeons, among others, who work to provide beauty and health treatments which go hand in hand and in a balanced way. One such area is called cosmocéutica, which unites the concepts of cosmetics and pharmaceutical products specializing in anti-aging and normal changes in the body such as acne.

One of the pioneers of cosmetic is Dr. Nicholas Perricone, who has shown that the main cause of aging is inflammation in the cells, a phenomenon invisible to the eye, but cause of triggering free radicals, which accelerate the deterioration of other cells, and thus aging.

This cellular degeneration is accelerated because of the ingestion of food pro-inflammatory, ie with high carbohydrate content with glycerin. And if this is coupled with a weak immune system, environmental aggressors-as-sun exposure, hormonal changes and stress, the outlook is not very encouraging for a person that will combine all these factors.

So in order to reduce the inflammation process, Dr. Perricone developed a program which in turn delays the signs of aging.

First stage: nutrition

It consists of an anti-inflammatory diet that provides beauty from the inside out. It is based on food and beverages that maintain balanced blood sugar levels in the blood, and that says Dr. Perricone, combat the rapid increase in the level of insulin, which contributes to many chronic conditions and diseases, including obesity, depression , stress, anxiety, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's and aging.

The diet for three days

Among the promises of Dr. Perricone is that of a visible change in appearance in just three days, in addition also generates changes in mood and energy level.


1 ½ to 2 cups of water.

An omelet with three whites and one egg yolk. Or a piece of grilled salmon, from 110 to 170 grams
We do not recommend the smoked salmon in the diet of three days for the amount of salt it contains.
Half cup of boiled oats (not instant).
A thin slice of melon and 1/3 cup fresh blackberries.
1 ½ cups of water.
Do not ingest juices, coffee and bread. If you are accustomed to consuming large amounts of coffee, it is best to replace them with tea.

Between 110 to 170 grams of grilled salmon. Option: canned salmon with a little lemon.
2 cups green salad (lettuce). Accompany it with extra virgin olive oil or lemon juice.
A thin slice of melon and 1/3 cups fresh blackberries.
1 ½ cups of water.

60 grams of chicken breast or 170 grams of plain yogurt.
1/3 cup fresh blackberries.
1 ½ cups of water.

110-170 grams of grilled salmon.
2 cups green salad (lettuce). Also prepared with extra virgin olive oil or lemon juice.
½ cup steamed vegetables.
Asparagus, broccoli or spinach with extra virgin olive oil.
A thin slice of melon and 1/3 cup fresh blackberries.
1 ½ to 2 cups of water.
Some collation

60 grams of turkey breast or chicken.
1/3 cup walnuts or almonds.
½ apple. Better be green.
1 ½ to 2 cups of water.

Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water per day.
Always eat protein first.
For best results, do not replace any food on this list.
Second stage: nutritional supplements

Is to consume vitamins in measures recommended by the physician, (B complex, vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, etc.), And also with antioxidant nutrients that act as natural anti-inflammatory. Among these, alpha-lipoic acid, a synthetic supplement that restores energy metabolism in cells.

Third stage: topical antioxidants

As a last step of treatment after achieving improved health (which, incidentally, you will notice the appearance of your skin), the market offers a complement to cosmocéutica cosmetics (tonics, creams, gels , oils) aging, which work synergistically to improve the health and natural beauty.

So before thinking about slimming main goal, do not forget that you should start with a change of lifestyle and habits not only to fight those extra kilos that will surely come in addition to the passage of time, but that your body stay healthy.
ReadmoreDiet to rejuvenate

Lack of Nutrients: Root of Depression

lack of nutrients root of depressionThe popular adage "you are what you eat", once again confirms validity when scientifically demonstrated that diet is strongly linked to depression. But, even in people who are depressed, your diet can negatively affect estarles is also possible to treat it by natural methods.

Scientific studies to which we refer, were carried out at the University of Oxford, reviewing the symptoms of depression in adults and observing the relationship between diet and disease carrying people in eleven different groups. Monitoring to determine the relationship, was for thirteen years, meeting all the requirements to support its validity.

The final finding of the study showed that there is an inverse relationship between the risk of depression and lack of folate, omega-3 fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids, olive oil, fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes. These results indicate that the type of diet and nutrition which leads, influences the risk of developing depression.

Evidence of the relationship between the type of diet and depression, was well demonstrated and calls into question the traditional clinical treatment of this disorder treated with chemical drugs.

When scientists talk about "brain chemical imbalance" to explain depression, the logical step would be to provide nutrients to the brain is needed, however chemical drugs are prescribed. Unfortunately from the current medical standpoint, not depressed patient asks to change your diet and change for a healthier way of eating and natural, and warns him not processed and artificial food only increases the incidence of depression.

Foods in their natural state contain all nutrients intact and have no hazardous additives, unlike processed foods that are loaded with additives such as colorings, flavorings, preservatives and lack nutritional value.

It is this lack of nutrients that scientists think, is the root cause of depression. The question is, if you know that nutrients like magnesium, essential fatty acids and B vitamins help to create neurotransmitters, and also that the lack of these nutrients causes a chemical imbalance in the brain, why not prescribe nutritional treatment for depressed patients, and avoid taking synthetic chemicals?

Is it because the drug companies would cease to earn millions at dollars from the sale of their products, and the worst thing for these laboratories, patients would be cured?

Diets were prescribed to patients involved in these studies were based on whole grains, fruits, vegetables and fish more seeds and nuts as opposed to a diet consisting of meats, grains and fast foods.
ReadmoreLack of Nutrients: Root of Depression

The child and vaccines

fotoAt present it is well known and accepted by most vaccines are necessary and essential to prevent disease in children.

Previously it was considered that the best thing that could happen to the children is that diseases give them remain small, even spoke of diseases of childhood, this was far from desirable. Since many of these diseases are life threatening or can leave lifelong sequelae.

Understand the above it is clear that if we (parents and physicians) health of our children we must take action to avoid diseases.

Mexico has worked hard to achieve national coverage, making for some conditions when more than 95% of vaccinated children which is much higher even than in countries like USA.

But much remains to be done. The National Vaccination has significant delay as the availability of existing vaccines in the world and even in our country. In the private sector pediatricians have tried to keep our patients a day, knowing that the main limiting factor is economic.

The IMSS, has taken a big step to changing your derechoabientes immunization record, including pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, oral rotavirus vaccine for the first time and changing the traditional pentavalent pentavalent acellular (less risk of vaccine reaction and better response of the organism) If however I detect disinformation by staff responsible for apply (pneumococcus and rotavirus mainly because the constantly deny invalid arguments and strictly adhere to the implementation dates expressed in the book, this being only the reminder that are ages ideals. Regarding pneumococcal recommend vaccinating all children under 9 years, as follows ... if they are between 2 and 9 years a single dose, 1 to two years two doses, six to 12 months and less than three doses four doses six months. IMSS has provided up to three doses which is not correct. Hopefully well be amended to their little patients.

Yes, it is very important step taken by the IMSS. It remains to extend it to other health institutions, as well as complement the primer including her chickenpox vaccine, hepatitis "A", Human Papilloma Virus (responsible for cancer of the womb) recommended it for nine years of age, influenza (flu malignant) etc.

We are on track, but I think we should move faster to be a healthier nation.

ReadmoreThe child and vaccines

Discover Antiaging Diet

Discover Antiaging Diet
Aesthetic and anti-aging treatments are, in many cases, the protagonists of spas. Now you can help your client to optimize your results with a diet that suits your needs and help you delay the passage of time.
A healthy diet is one that suits the human body because it produces health. And from a metabolic perspective, health is merely homeostasis, ie the state of harmony of all metabolic processes. The importance of diet in health or harmony of our metabolism, has been recognized since antiquity. Hipócrites already said that "we are what we eat". And warned "that your food be your medicine." Metabolism is nothing but harmonious state of equilibrium, and it is exactly this point that nothing is lacking and nothing is superfluous. As a body in balance is one that can keep every process without any squeaks piece because it contains all the elements necessary for this operation to be perfect.

Metabolic changes over time
In youth, enzymatic secretions are usually perfect and tight, while a certain age, the levels of the metabolic secretions and have to help the body with supplementation. With age may lower the pH or increasing the acidity or, to increase the onset of oxidative free radicals as a result of the slowing down of the metabolic and cell death. So it is good to think about it and compensate.

If we focus on a diet can slow aging, we will say that so far, calorie restriction is the best way to do this because it increases longevity and provides better health. This does not have to be a form of Ayuo and certainly does not have to get close to malnutrition. These were limited to lower the level of calories consumed throughout the day, without this, you give some nutritional deficiencies. This is to give the body the necessary nutrients depending on the active lifestyle that one performs.

According to the standards set by the FDA (American Pharmaceutical Federation), state regulatory body, a moderately active man, aged between 25 and 50 years should consume about 3,200 calories a day, but those who participate in a calorie restriction diet consumed 2,000 or less per day. This same American agency advises women of the same age around 2,300 calories. However, following a restrictive diet consume only 1,500 or so daily, taking into account that both practiced a medium or moderate exercise.

In short, the benefits of calorie restriction are: increased longetividad, improved mental clarity by increasing neurotransmitter receptors, decrease fat deposits, decreased insulin levels and better blood sugar control, reduced risk cancer, decreased production of ROS (oxidative free radicals) and better detoxification, decreased risk of vascular disease and osteoporosis less.

If caloric intake decreases, it is logical to decrease the metabolic work. As a consequence, there will be less oxidative free radical production, and thus less cell damage, less cancer, increased levels of protective enzymes such as SOP (superoxide dismutase), catalase and glutathione peroxidase, which neutralize free radicals.

When an individual is caloric restriction, your body works by inducing the expression of sirtuin (SIRTI), an enzyme that deacetila proteins and contributes to cellular regulation, so that the body responds best to stress and is also prepared for increased longevity . Sirtuins, related to the benefits of caloric restriction, according to several studies also have demonstrated to prolong survival, because these enzymes at high levels delay the degeneration of damaged nerve cells and their functions affect the control of secretion insulin. They are activated when exposed to resveratrol, a substance found in red wine and also has certain properties that favor longevity.

Anti Aging Diet
By the time we set start Dietary Guidelines for an aging should be aware that it must consist of: healthy food healthy balanced diet with some caloric restriction, with a shot of nutraceutical supplements in line with individual needs and lifestyle chord (exercise appropriate to the age and conditions, without stress, with harmony and inner peace). Still, it's very important not to lose sight of antiaging diet is not a diet to lose weight or to win or therapeutic purposes, whatever they may be, but it is a maintenance diet for life, with In order to obtain results in order to:
Delaying biological age so that it always shows lower than chronological age.
Prolong the life the most that can
But with the highest quality, so as to get give life to years and not years to life, which is to live more years with quality of life and without dependence.
Preventing disease
Enhance vitality and energy
And to achieve the above objectives, it is necessary to analyze foods considered essential and remaining nutritional pyramids placed in order of importance:

In the first level will not miss the water, vegetables and continue fruits, fish chicken turkey and legumes but not dairy probiotics as such, only yougures or kefir or soy yogurt, cottage cheese, either cow, sheep or goat, but better these last two. The lean beef will be in the last place. It is advisable to reduce the consumption of red meat, sugar, saturated fat, foods cooked at high temperatures and that 40% of the food taken what constitute carbohydrates, 30% proteins and 30% fats other. And on the top level of the pyramid lie sugars and confectionery, after a certain age and if not exceptionally, as antiaging diet should be deleted.

This type of diet is based on which advises the Zone diet as maintenance diet, which is based on the control of the endocrine response of the person through food, so we add the omega-3 fatty acid on the second level, after water.

What are Omega 3 fatty acids?
In recent years, we are constantly bombarded by advertising of foods fortified with omega-3. But what are they really? What are their roles and effective dose?
Fatty acids are substances which as the name suggests are "fat". However, such fats are divided into:
Essential fatty acids (the can body manufacture)
Essential fatty acids (the body's shape and so you have to eat them with diet) as is the case of omega-3 that occur in various structures and omega-6
Fatty acids are also classified as saturated and unsaturated or trans. The former have specific functions, but should be a good balance in coexsitir and third are man-made and are bad for health. Omega-3s are found mainly in oily fish "fresh", walnuts, flax seeds and green vegetables. Fortified foods, which we are familiar, are insufficient amounts of omega-3 and therefore not get them the benefits "promised" on television.

Recommended Foods
Given the importance of these fatty acids in the metabolism and have manifested as cardiovascular protective elements against cancer, antiaging diet can not withdraw from them, like you can not forget exercise in lifestyle, so they attach to it the first level in the same range as the water. Therefore, we could make a list in order of preference of the most appropriate food in diets against aging: water, exercise, omega-3 fatty acids, vegetables, fruit, fish, legumes, nuts, eggs, chicken (farm ), turkey, cereals, dairy, lean beef, sweets and sugars.

Dr. Gloria Sabater advised to take much broccoli from vegetables like watercress, radish and bean sprouts and other sprouts, onion and garlic, lots of red fruit, pepper, vegetables and oily fish. This will be followed avocados, mushrooms, olive oil, turmeric and green tea. And do not forget the squid rich in taurine.

Useful tips when preparing
Avoiding high cooking at high temperatures and long time of cooking that devalue the nutritional content of food.
Ensure that fruits and vegetables are fresh and not from freezing or refrigeration.
Reduce consumption of saturated fat and salt
Increase consumption of oily fish, nuts, soy and garlic
Seek to make as fruit or pomegranate extract
ReadmoreDiscover Antiaging Diet

TIPS to slow aging

TIPS to slow agingAging is a process deleterious, progressive, intrinsic and universal that eventually occurs in every living resulting from the interaction of the individual's genetics and their environment.
It could also be defined as all changes that occur in an organism over time and lead to loss of function and death.
Thanks to advances in science and the study on the best advice we can give to retardes this process as you can. But the important thing here is not only to see but also feel younger and especially young grow old in a healthy accepting this stage and live it fully, the biggest mistake is not to accept the stages of life and try to live eternally in a.

As we age the skin loses elasticity and fat giving a less smooth appearance. Wrinkles appear with varying intensity depending on the care you have given to your skin.
Continued exposure to the sun over your life and smoking, among other things, accelerate the aging of your skin.
Here are some tips:
Rigorous cleaning is essential to your skin in the morning to remove skin oils and evening to remove makeup and dirt all day.
In addition to daily cleaning is necessary to exfoliate the skin once a week to remove dead cells and give a dull appearance on our skin.
This will create greater oxygenation of the skin.
It is necessary that you apply a moisturizer to keep your skin's elasticity.
The skin has to fight every day against the sun, wind, cold and rain, that contribute to skin aging.
This cosmetics provide a barrier against these enemies.
From the age of 30 your skin reacts to everything that has been exposed and is manifested by spots, enlarged pores, among other brands.
Also if you use birth control pills can you get pregnant or spots appear on your skin. This is the time for the implementation of professional treatments such as peels to help improve the quality of your skin.
After age 40, hormonal changes are more frequent, our skin begins to change, appear dark circles, sagging in the face, wrinkles around the eyes and more.
You must use professional care.
These are some of the products that can help you: Moisturizers nutritious, eye creams, glicílico acid with vitamin A and E, peels layers, masks soothing facial nourishing, regenerating bio.
The method "aging" more effective is a diet low in calories and high in nutrients.
Council home care of your skin: To remove dead skin cells applied on your skin daily carrot juice (rich in vitamin A) mixed with a moisturizer.
To slow the aging of the skin with vitamin E, can apply daily on the desired area olive oil cold pressed.
As we saw feeding is essential so you can go to a specialist to give you a balanced diet that is right for you. But you can start with knowing that there are foods that will help you more than others and then you list it:
Ten foods rich in antioxidants
Berries: Blueberries, blackberries, raspberries and strawberries
Broccoli and broccoli
Cabbage and kale in general
Onions, especially the purple-
Tomatoes, especially fried-
Other recommendations that you can not forget:
Selenium Selenium is a trace mineral that promotes the body's defenses. Selenium can be found in Brazil nuts in large quantities. So for those who will not grow old, eat 1 or 2 Brazil nuts daily will help.
Eat less and chew more Eat less quantities of food but they have more vitamins and minerals and chew food better. Nutritionists say that chewing food 20 times reduces the number of calories that we give to our body.

Exercise: The same as always, eat healthy and exercise. We got tired of hearing it but many do not. Exercise not only helps you stay fit but also helps to maintain flexibility. We recommend you go to experts for you to avoid injuries, Total Fitness of Ciudad Juarez find the best.
Multivitamins, vitamin E, calcium: This is a mixture of three pills that may help you stay young for long.
Tecitos Magic: The eternal youth teas, sage tea and damiana tea.
Healthy Habits: Although I know it is hard to get rid of habits that we can accelerate aging, drinking and smoking can help us age more quickly so if you can not cut this habit comes back a bit.
So take care of our body and so achieve reach the stage of old age in the best way possible, but remember that the mind is the most powerful so keep a positive attitude, love yourself a lot and you'll see the results you want.
ReadmoreTIPS to slow aging

4 Purposes of Health for the New Year

fotoIt is January and we know what that means: New Year's Resolutions. However, these objectives we all do for our mistakes and failures of the previous year, are met in case during the first week after we have made.

Observe yourself: write down your goals and see how long the meet, from the definition of "purpose" as a resolution or determination to do something in particular.

So here we are going to propose something, instead of "New Year's resolutions" that may be very difficult to meet, try to perform small changes that will gradually making a difference to what you want to accomplish.

Let's take for example that one of its purposes is to start exercising, so a small step this week, taking a walk 10 minutes, the next week increase your walk to 20 minutes and within a month I will be trotting over 20 or 30 minutes. Changing our lifestyles or habits is difficult, therefore, it is best to make small but lasting healthy changes to break old habits.

If you have not made your New Year's resolutions again, I want to suggest some that can adopt as their own, and include emotional, mental, physical and spiritual together will help us get more health and fitness throughout this year 2013 .

1. Eat whole foods.
These foods will provide the body with all the nutrients it needs. Golden Rule, "if it is natural, eat, if not, is out." Our body was designed to eat natural food food not manmade. The natural foods are fruits, vegetables, herbs, nuts, seeds, legumes such as beans and lentils, whole grains, and healthy fats. The man-made foods are those that contain hard to pronounce ingredients, additives, dyes, artificial flavors, sweeteners, refined sugar, corn syrup, etc.. etc. An example: Yellow cheese for nachos, chicken nuggets, cola, cheats, doritos, etc.

And for the record that we are not saying never eat a processed food, but an important step will be to read the ingredients before consumption of container, and remember that the components of a natural food is going to nourish you and your body. Next Step: replace food manmade for natural food.

2. Think Positively
This is self-explanatory, but if you're always thinking negatively about things, it is not surprising that it is you people who see the glass "half empty". How is your glass? ? Half full or half empty? Try to change your perception of things and people and see just how good it can bring. No matter if you like what you see or hear, try to find the positives, things always have two sides, one bad and the other kind. When we think positively we benefit ourselves, life expectancy increases, decreases depression, decreases stress, are more resistant to colds. It also contributes to physical and psychological. Reduces the risk of death from cardiovascular disease.

3. Find time to exercise
The benefits of doing a bit of exercise outweigh the excuses like "I have no desire," although it is sometimes necessary to make an effort to get you started. Once we start, we realize that makes us feel so good, we do not want to stop. This purpose is common to most people, let's take it out.

Sobran ways to fulfill it, buy an exercise video, take a walk with your kids, go to a park to run jump or enjoy the playground. Physical activity prevents weight gain, improves health, helps you sleep better, reduces depression, increases energy and makes us feel better. Take 15 minutes a day to exercise at home.

4. Follow a Routine
All times of the day have a purpose, whether preparing food, washing dishes, write a note or come to the table. If we do our daily routine, we will be losing minutes unrecoverable. If you ever found saying "I was on and did nothing", you know what I mean. Sometimes we will time playing with the children, we sometimes consume hours be on "facebook" or online, so it is important to set ourselves time to do things.
Readmore4 Purposes of Health for the New Year
